Chapter 17 His Feelings

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Lucifer pov

"What the hell you mean, you are trying, I want results," I angrily growled at investigating the team and throw my phone away it shattered into pieces, I was not in the mood of hearing their damm

My mind is in rage to explode, I never felt like this for anyone before
Why she is having this much impact on me


I am trying my best to find her, I let blocked every highway, roadway, and airline of new york so no one can go out, police is checking everyone who is going out from new york but no one knows anything about Damaris

I closed my eyes I never felt such miserable in my whole life where will be she, she must be fine, I have to stay positive for her, how will I find her if my mind will be in depression

No, I can't, I have to stay strong for her

But it's been five days since her kidnapping and we didn't found her that two men's who kidnapped her confessed that they leave her over highway road but police found no trace of her

"Hey, everything is going to be alright, brother, Damaris is a fighter she never gives up," Noah told me while sitting beside me but I shook my head, First time in my whole life I am scared and I am scared for her

The first day when I saw her, it was a lie if I say she is the most beautiful girl I ever saw because I saw much better than her but what which attracts the most in her is her Iris's eyes, pure innocence radiates in them but there is always guilt presence with innocence in eyes like there is something she is hiding away

The first time, I saw her she is walking lostly in any direction then I noticed a large stone hit her leg she is about to fall but I saved her, just as I touched her, I noticed her eyes sparking with guilt

What can put her guilt, what she is hiding away from me
After she is gone again, that day I can't be able sleep, after our first meeting, it feels like I'd known her not only today but so long, like she was with me her spark is with me, I felt her, her presence with me, I felt her breath with mine no women ever have this much impact over me

But fuck, she is not with me now what will I do without her

I closed my eyes tightly, Noah handed me his phone
"Bro, There is a call of cops, they found very important information about Damaris"
I quickly took his phone "it's better to be news of worth of my time," I spoke dangerously to that officer

I arrived on the highway, where the kidnappers confessed that they leave Damaris here when she is unconscious

I saw barrier and dozens of police officers and investigators examining that spot

An officer comes towards me
"Mr.Kingston we found blood spots and this cloth material near that bridge of highway it can be hers," the officer informed me showing the packet it has a piece of purple cloth material, my eyes widened when I remember last time when I saw her she was wearing a purple dress

"It can be possible that she might be out from New York, maybe someone took her," he said and my hands clench into fists wanting to destroy everything which I saw, with rage

I grabbed the collar of that officer and his eyes widened in fear
"Now, listen for good, nothing can happen to Damaris, I won't let anything happens to her so you better keep your Unfortunate mouth shut, as I am not in the mood to listen to anything " I growled to him, while Noah and Ryan come and freed that officer from me.


I am sitting in my study, and my head is on the verge of an explosion

Maybe someone took her to hospital From highway road

She must be fine she has to be

I quickly called my investigation team,
"Did you find any information from hospitals?" I asked them

But again no one knows where is she

I saw my laptop in front of my table, I took it and tossed it violently over the floor in rage

Ryan entered my study with files, Ryan is a personal assistant but he is also my childhood best friend, he is shocked seeing the condition of my study, everything I broke here In agony, it is a complete mess

I want to find her at any cost

That day when I kissed her in the car, I felt so strange but pleasure just as her delicate soft lips meet mine, I can't resist
And I kissed her
From that day my feelings grow stronger for her , there is something in her which wants me to protect her from this world , even I know she is capable of doing it by herself but still , there is something in her which wants me to protect her , cherish her , that day when she comes in my bedroom with food when she comes to decorate my mansion , that night I almost kissed her , she was in her nightdress , and her dress was riled up showing her thighs and her face was giving me seductive look she can seduce any man even without knowing that what impact she have over any man , her hair was messed up looks like she was just fucked up even without doing so , when I grabbed her hand that time and she ended up over my lap , it turned me on rock hard , seeing her it feels strong urge not to lay her down over my bed and have her make her mine by heart and body both , even that day when she runs away from mansion after I kissed her in forehead , then after investigation I found out that she is in some Xander guy home , I wondered who was he to her her boyfriend noo this can't happen , when I go to that Xander's home , my anger is in at its peak when I found her wearing his hoodie only , I want to kill that Xander right there on the spotr

"She will be fine Lucifer, nothing will happen to her " Ryan assured me but I don't know my heart is constantly beating for her like my half part is missing after her

I shook my head "how can I sit here when I know she is kidnapped and now where will be she, will she will be eaten, will she is fine" I whispered and closed my eyes and rested my tired back over the comfortable chair of my study but her Iris eyes again come in my vision and I jerked opened my eyes then I realized her absence is killing me slowly

"Lucifer these are the files, your dream project about that land " he informed me but I shook my head, "posted it," I ordered him

"Are you sure, because you are working for it for very long and by this meeting, we can be able to know that land is worth buying for the project is or not," He informed he concern

Honestly, it is my dream project, it's for those children who are suffering from Autism and Asperger syndrome

People might think that children who are suffering from Autism syndrome are freak and abnormal but in reality, they are as normal as we just need little time to understand things and this project will help to create awareness among people about the syndrome

I closed my eyes at least, I have to attend this meeting for the sake of that children

I stands up from my desk and nodded to him

"When it is, " I asked him

"At Washington DC, with Mr.Vincent Reynolds," he informed and I nodded absently still worried about Damaris thinking a way to find her.

Hey guys, Finally Lucifer pov is here, I hope you all liked it, I mean I am not best at writing male pov but I tried it is a little difficult for me as a girl I can freely pour emotions in female pov, but still I tried let me know how it is

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Hey guys, Finally Lucifer pov is here, I hope you all liked it, I mean I am not best at writing male pov but I tried it is a little difficult for me as a girl I can freely pour emotions in female pov, but still I tried let me know how it is.

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