Chapter 23 Daughter

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"What," both Elvin and dad faces are in shock hearing lucifer's confession

"I love your daughter, Mr. Reynolds " Lucifer said while looking into my eyes his eyes have pure truth and love for me and I little smiled shyly

"Wait" Dad whispered and comes by his side and lucifer stands  up and now dad sits beside me caressing my hair while my head lay on his shoulder 

"Did, you also feels the same for him?" he asked me

"Yes tell us, sis did you also feel the same for him, there  is no force, are you happy with him," Elvin asked seriously glaring  coldly towards Lucifer

I looked at Lucifer and smiled, it's time to confess my love for him enough of this hiding now

Now I am fearless, I have no fear with anyone, I will scream in front of the whole world that I am in love with Lucifer, my first love

"Yes dad I love him," I told him

Dad looked at Elvin and Elvin and dad looked towards Lucifer

"We want to have a serious talk with you," Elvin told lucifer in a serious threatening tone and Lucifer nodded to them

Lucifer pov

We entered the living room and Mr. Reynolds and Elvin sat in front of me

"Did you love her?" Mr. Reynolds asked me with a serious expression

"More than anything" I replied with full confidence looking into his eyes

"How did you know her," Elvin asked me

"She works as the interior designer of my mansion, " I told them

They looked confused
"Then why did she comes here to Washington DC, when I meet her she is physically hurt too, she have bruised elbows and head also, " Elvin told me narrowing his eyes at me

"Due to some problems, she got kidnapped, I was trying my best to find her since that day but I can't, finally I found her today here," I told the truth

Anger is visible on their faces hearing this

"Who the hell dare to kidnap her," Elvin said standing up angrily

"It's already been taken care of, now that person will never bother her again," I told them, I already give lia what she deserves, she won't be able to get any work anywhere now, even she is imprisoned as charged of kidnapping and attempt to murder

"As long as my daughter will stay happy,  I don't have any problem with you, but don't you even dare to hurt my girl, I am coming back to you if you ever hurt her, " Mr.Reynolds told me seriously

"Don't worry sir, I promise to you, I will never hurt her she is my life, I love her more than then myself " I told them honestly

"Make sure she will always be your ty always, I will not bear tears in my sister's eyes, I will kill you and I am so serious if a tear also comes in my sister's eyes," Elvin told me narrowing his eyes

I nodded to him
"Don't worry she is always my priority, even this land deal is not related to that children, I will never attend this meeting, I canceled my all-important meetings and deals since the day she got kidnapped, finally today I found her when she is gone from my life, it feels like my world shattered, my half part is separated from me?" I said the truth to them

Mr.Reynolds  spoke " Damaris is my biological daughter " he informed us

Making me and Elvin shocked at the same "dad " Elvin asked him

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