Chapter 26 Raped

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I looked at my appearance in the mirror while applying mascara to my eyes

I am wearing a Glittering off-shoulder scrunch off-shoulder dress, while today I straight my long black hair and leave them opened

I am wearing a Glittering off-shoulder scrunch off-shoulder dress, while today I straight my long black hair and leave them opened

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I did little makeup, simply little mascara in eyes and light red lipstick

Lucifer comes wearing an expensive maroon suit his hair is styled back with a perfect shaved face

I spun around and glanced at him, smiling

"How I am looking," I asked him

He reaches towards me, staring at my eyes only

"I love your eyes so much Damaris, whatever you wear, I don't pay attention to, you have such a beautiful heart you always have the sparkle of happiness in your eyes, I love you in everything"

He replied, making me blush, I kissed his cheeks

"Let's go, " I said, and he nodded

We sat in his car as the chauffeur is driving and we are sitting in the back seat; I felt his hand over my thigh; I looked at him he is talking to someone

On phone about business related stuff

I leaned my head over his shoulder, as he just cut the call and kissed my hairline

Suddenly, an interesting question comes to my mind

"Lucifer, can I ask you something," I asked hesitated

"Sure," he said while typing something into his phone

"What will you introduce me in front of everyone, who am I to you," I asked wondering his true feelings for me

"My fiancee," he said making me look into him, I still place my head over his shoulder

He pulled out a beautiful small jewelry box from his suit pocket and

Opened it to show me

My eyes widened what is in it; it's a beautiful, elegant diamond ring with the platinum body;

My eyes widened what is in it; it's a beautiful, elegant diamond ring with the platinum body;

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