Chapter 5 Regret

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It's been midnight since that incident, and here I was feeling so strange.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw a man in a black suit.

He handed me a bag.

"What is this?" I asked with a frown.

"Mam, Mr. Kingston sends this for you," he informed me and went to sit in his black car and drive away.

When I looked inside that bag, it had food for me, and when I looked more, I saw the box of boiled soup, which is mainly for

Period discomfort

I smiled at how caring he is.

But soon my smile fell when I realised

I am working against him for his loss.

I mean, how can I betray him? I can't do this, since when I become a selfish bitch to someone, just as I was in deep thought, my phone goes off. It's from an unknown number.

I quickly received it.

"Damaris" A deep, husky voice spoke to me, capturing my heart like no other.

"Umm, Lucifer?" I asked.

"Yes, how are you feeling? Are you alright now? Did you need anything? Have you received the food which I sent for you? You will receive it for a whole week from now on." He stated it to me

And here I closed my eyes. I can't do this anymore. I have to tell him the truth about me, about his ex-wife's conspiracy against him, everything. He deserves the truth after all.

"Umm, I want to tell you something." I spoke unsure.

"I am all ears," he said.

"Lucifer..." "I..." "I..." I..."I stuttered before I could tell him.

My inner voice spoke to me Don't you think you are judging him too early just by spending a day with him? If you think he is a good person, at least spend more time with him, get to know him more, who knows who he is in real life. "

It's not wrong. I can't make a decision just after spending a day with him. I want to get to know him more. I shook my head, closing my eyes, thinking Damaris

If you tell him the truth, he will hate you. Who knows, he will never want to see your face again after that. And what if his ex-wife and Dylan and his enemies hire someone else? If you deny it, who knows that other person can harm him too?

"L... lucifer I just want to tell you that I can start your interior designing of your new house after two days. There is no need to wait for a week. "I spoke to him sighing."

"But you need rest," he said, concerned.

Why are you doing this? I have had to meet someone like him my whole life. Everyone was selfish with me. No one thought about me. Even my biological parents didn't think once before leaving me in the orphanage.

I bite my lip trying hard not to cry over here on the phone

"I said, already no need to wait I am perfectly fine even I take my medicines also" I spoke to him smiling

Sadly, looking at packets of medicine

I heard him sighing

"fine, I will pick you up," He said and I quickly said

"Whatever it takes," I said obstinately.

I am not asking you, Damaris, now eat properly, don't forget to make soup and finish it properly, and call me if you need anything. And one more thing, tomorrow I am picking you up from your apartment and I am not taking NO as an answer because I have some work and that place is near your living area, so I am picking you up," he said with an intimidating tone, "No meaning of argument." and hung up the call.

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