Chapter 28 Change in Fate

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"I am sure, you will have those papers, now before next week," I heard Dylin's voice

"Are you crazy Dylin, I will not do this" I promptly denied him

"Damaris, try to realize it so important for us to ruin his image and by this, not only his image but his empire will also be ruined " Dylin Tried to convince me

"You know what, I never thought that my childhood best friend will be this very desperate to ruin someone's image this much, and I will not do any such a thing," I told him clearly

Suddenly, I heard Adelina's anger-filled voice

"What did you say, bitch" she asked threateningly to me

"I say that I will not do such a work, to ruin his image I am not working for you all anymore," I told her

"What about your career, you don't love your career right" I heard her voice

"Screw that Carrer which formed on someone's destruction, " I told her angrily and cut the call

I don't care about myself anymore, my career, I don't t care about it too, now my only priority is to save Lucifer from these greedy predators

I threw my phone on the bed, and clutched my head, because of a migraine

Dylin told me, that there is so change in their plan, now several rivals of Lucifer's are with them, so they want some important secret documents from Lucifer's secret lockup which is in the Study of his mansion

But I already decided, I am not working with them anymore, I will give my resignation letter to Dylin tomorrow, I laid on the bed clutching my head because of a migraine; I have since childhood it is hurting so badly

I sighed but suddenly again my phone rang; I ignored it but gain it keeps ringing

Who wants to die now

I pick up the call without seeing caller id

"Hey sweetie" I heard a dangerous male voice from another side

I frowned "w...who are you," I asked

"Gideon Farley, brother of Adelina and CEO of Farley Industries, didn't Dylin tell you that now I am also in the plan, now listen, you listen for good

There is a MacBook in the lockup of Lucifer's study, I will give you a document file, let Lucifer sign them, I want you to take that MacBook and that documents you will make Lucifer sign and hand it to me" he ordered me

"Just, who the hell are you to order me, I am not working for Dylin anymore, I don't care about my career, so never call me again" I am about to hang up but his next words frozen me at my place

"So, you don't even care about lives of those poor orphan children of that orphanage where you spend your childhood," he sneered at me

"W...what do you mean," I asked him

In terror

"Okay, so now you listen to me very carefully that land where that orphanage is, I will not only auction that place but also let harm that poor children, one by one, if I don't get that Documents and that MacBook then be ready darling, you will receive news of Poor children of the orphanage who will be homeless, because that land, I bought it and some even have a critical health condition," he said to me, angrily

My phone drops from my hand after hearing his words

I remained glued at my place freeze, for some minutes; I didn't understand what just happened, these happenings with me

A ring showing a message arrives brings me back to reality

With a shaking hand, I picked up my phone and opened it, my eyes went wide when, I saw a team of lawyers and bulldozer standing around the orphanage and all the small children are looking so scared while Mrs.Davis, the In-charge of the orphanage looking worried as hell while talking to that lawyers

I quickly call Mrs.Davies, she is in charge of the orphanage

"Mrs.Davis, what happened In the orphanage, " I asked her and try my best not to panic

But I can't hold it any longer

"Iris, these peoples say that they have ordered from court to displace us and breaking this orphanage where we will go," she said worriedly to me, her voice is painful like, she is about to cry

I quickly hang up the call and ran towards my car Lucifer must be In his company, thank God he is not at home, I can't tell this all to him, otherwise that bastard Gideon Farley will harm innocent children

I drive towards the orphanage, my hands are shaking and my knuckles are turning pale white because I am gripping the steering wheel of the car so tightly, I can feel the pounding in my temples, or eyes, depending on where the migraine is. If it's a migraine on one side, that eye gets very watery and my temple throbs, ad the top of my skull feels like it's being pressed down on. I have to avoid looking directly at the light, I felt so nauseous

When I arrived at the orphanage, I run out of my car

I looked around and notice all children are so scared while Mrs. Davis is arguing with lawyers, I quickly runs towards her

Mrs.Davis shook her head and started crying " where we will do Damaris, they will throw us out from this orphanage" she said while crying

Suddenly, beth comes towards me when she noticed me, she is a seven years old girl, in the orphanage

She comes running towards me and hugged my legs with her little arms

Her eyes are puffy due to crying, I sat at her level on my knees and wiped away her tears, and kissed her cheeks
"Beth, it's my promise to you no one will dare to let you all out from this orphanage okay, now go inside, and do drawing, you remember that previous tom and Jerry coloring book, I bought for you go color it," I said to her She nodded and ran inside, I gestured their caretaker to take all the kids inside"

Before, I can go with Mrs.Davis,
My phone buzzed it's that Gideon call

I pick up the call

"So so so, miss overconfident, let me tell you one thing, you dare to play smart card with me then, there those poor children will be homeless in the road," he said chuckling

"I will kill you, if I ever saw your good for nothing face, " I hissed at him

"'Oh I am so scared, please someone save me," he said in mocked Tone

"Are you done then listen, Well I am the owner of that orphanage building and it will be saved only by my written permission and To save that orphanage then do as I say, if you dare to tell Lucifer about this, then my men will harm those poor orphan children?" he said seriously

I closed my eyes, why this always happens to me, I have to betray Lucifer to save those innocent souls

I sighed "fine" I hissed angrily "my man in a black suit will give you those documents, now take it and I want it signed by him " he orders and hang up the call

"So, I guess you know everything now, right, let me give you more details now, I want that MacBook and documents before tomorrow, or these orphans will live in footpath because I won't let you all live easily if I didn't get things, I told you before next week and don't you dare to tell Lucifer about this or get ready to see a massacre in an orphanage, because I can do anything, after all, I am drug mafia " he gritted to me

"Don't you dare to " I hissed at him

I hang up the call and a man in a black suit comes towards me and handed me a manila envelope; I took it with trembling hands.

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