Chapter 10 Disappointment

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"Can you tell me about Adelina lucifer's ex-wife, their relationship?" I asked unsure of her

She seems surprised by my question, looked at me

"Please" I pleaded to her

I didn't know what's wrong with me but I want to know why he married Adelina and why he divorced her, did he love her
something, wherein my heart I am very badly praying to god that he didn't love her, I don't know but I don't feel good at thoughts of him loving someone else

Sensing my uneasiness, she comes towards me and put the hand in my shoulder soothing me "I am so sorry its not my place to tell you but I can say, good she is out from Mr. Kingston's life now, he can move on now " she said

"But you know you are so different, I mean Mr. Kingston's previous girlfriends also are so bitchy and gold digger sluts but you are so different Damaris," she said smiling beautifully at me

I didn't say anything to her, I don't have anything to say in this

She stands up from bed "I will be back I must bring something for you to eat," she said and goes from my room

I changed into my Nightdress, its grey striped dress reaching on my knees and laid on bed

************I changed into my Nightdress, its grey striped dress reaching on my knees and laid on bed

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It's midnight, 11 p.m and I am not feeling sleepy, lucifer still didn't come back, I wonder what happens with that man who tried to attack lucifer

I sighed and looked at the opened window of the room, looking moon in the sky its moonlight directly fell over my face giving me so pleasing sensation into my spine

I heard the sound of Car, I quickly stands up from my bed and ran towards the balcony where I saw lucifer coming

I quickly ran towards the hallway and saw him entering, he pulled away from his suit and unbuttoning his shirt, when he noticed me he looked at me with a cold expression

I noticed he is looking so tired his hair is messy like he ran his hands there so many times, so I didn't ask anything to him not to give him more headache

"Have you eaten, Come I will serve you dinner" I told him

"I am not hungry " he spoke coldly and started going away, I frowned he seemed not in a good mood

"You know one must not show their anger on food," I told loudly so he can hear me, he stops ascending to stairs

"Don't tell me what to do and what to not." he snapped at me

I stared at him, he closed his eyes and sighed, and comes towards me

"I am sorry, I just forgot that I am your employee for some time, I should be on my limits," I whispered, truly it hurts me so much hearing his words

He pulled me in to hug, my eyes widened in shock at what he did but soon I find warmth and pure affection so, I hugged him back

After we pulled apart he cupped my face and comes near me, I stared deeply into his eyes, I remember the first day I
ever looked into his eyes and my entire world flip, we are so close to each other our faces are just inches apart, but something snapped into him he quickly pulled away from me as I will burn him
but I grab his arm to stop him and this time I am the one who comes near to him
my hand went back to the nape of his neck,
But I can't deny it anymore, yes I started to have feelings for him whenever he is near me whenever our skin touches, I felt the spark, stars shine which I never felt with anyone else before, His smile, His
eyes, the way he talk, the way he looked at me, I can stare at him forever

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