Chapter 21 Live in my eyes

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"Um, Elvin I wanna ask something, "I ask him

"Sure", he nodded

"What is your relationship with Nasya," I asked him finally, I know this is personal but I want to know it's not right of Nasya, To cheat on Vidor

He seems shocked by my questions
"It's okay Bro if you don't wanna share it," I sighed

He shook his head "it's not like that, actually when she comes into this mansion first two years ago, We felt attracted towards each other, and there are some incidents when we bumped into each other so that attraction started becoming stronger
And one day, I was drunk and We slept together" he sighed guilt is flashed in his eyes

"What, how can you for god sake she is married," I told him while shaking my head in disbelief

"I know we did wrong so, from that day, we started ignoring each other, but still I don't love her, but I have a soft corner for her " he confessed to me

I listen to his words with shock, so this is the reason they both look uncomfortable with each other


I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I am wearing that dress which I brought with Elvin from boutique

It's a purple Clare gown with floral lace

Damaris beautiful Dress and hairstyle above

Damaris beautiful Dress and hairstyle above

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Nasya did a beautiful hairstyle with my hair, with a ponytail, as my hair is already natural curly and so long they stops at my hips, and I did only minimum makeup, only lipstick, and a little concealer, I prefer my eyes natural always

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Nasya did a beautiful hairstyle with my hair, with a ponytail, as my hair is already natural curly and so long they stops at my hips, and I did only minimum makeup, only lipstick, and a little concealer, I prefer my eyes natural always

I comes out of the room and entered in hall of the mansion where the banquet party is started, hall is decorated beautifully with elegance

I comes out of the room and entered in hall of the mansion where the banquet party is started, hall is decorated beautifully with elegance

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