Chapter 36 We're Over

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"l......Lucifer, I can explain " I struggled to say, but he turned around, his eyes have anger and disappointment, I saw the need for vengeance in them, his face have cold emotionless expression, I don't see why but the first time I am feeling so, startled from him

"Your Father is the murderer of my parents. He is the behind their accident, because of him my brother Noah and I have to crave for parents' love since childhood," he spoke to me coldly but his grey eyes show rage and disappointment.

I stared down, a whimper escaped from my mouth

"Sir, this document has her name too, as a fraud in documents and stealing your MacBook, you want us to make a case against her also," the lawyer asked him

Lucifer comes towards me, staring, into my eyes intensely " I can't hurt you, even I want to then also, I can't "He stated, I glanced up in his eyes when my eyes find him; I observed his eyes softened a bit for a second, then again turned into enmity.

"Not her, but her brother will go to imprison, " Lucifer announced looking at them

"I know you want to punish us, for our father's sins so, I am ready to go jail but no one will ever touch my little sister, I am ready to accept all charges against me, " Elvin said in a deep tone

I spun around and watched at him In a panic,

"No" I murmured, approaching Elvin

"You will not do such a foolish thing, I am the one who deceive him, I took his MacBook, I Defrauded him, so I will serve for my own sins not you," I answered dryly

Elvin grabbed my shoulders "go, from here, Sis untill your elder brother is alive no one can indeed hurt a hair from your body, " he said to me while cupping my face

I shook my head "no, it was not your mistake then why did you will suffer for my wrongdoings " I said tiredly as my throat felt so drained and my head appears like someone placed a stone on it, I felt I am about to have a migraine attack

"Damaris, I said go means go, I'm your elder brother is ordering you go now, " Elvin said strictly to me and handed me his car keys

"Return. That car which Lucifer gifted to you and these are my car keys, don't travel in public transport, go home straight " Elvin said while cupping my cheeks.

I shook my head and turned towards Lucifer, silently begging him to leave my brother Lucifer looked away from me "Officer, do your work" he said to the police, and they arrested Elvin and takes him out. I rushed behind them impatiently.

"No, stay there " I shouted and runs behind them but the elevator door already closed

I rush back towards Lucifer's office

"Everybody out, I prefer to talk to her in alone" he ordered lawyers and officials and glanced at me with anger

When everyone goes away, I looked at Lucifer

"I am sorry, what my dad gave to you is indeed very cruel, please forgive us " I stated while I married my hands in front of him begging for his forgiveness

"Did your fucking sorry can return back, my dad and mom, can it bring back that love for which I and my younger brother Noah craved for, I will not take my complain back against your dad" he roared at me while narrowing his eyes

I shook my head " I am still not going to tell you to take it back, do whatever you need to do with him, he earned it, I just need your forgiveness, please, I am so repentant of what my dad did to your parents " my voice cracked at the end

"You Should be " he responded while his hands clenched into fists

I stared down, feeling embarrassed

"I never wanted to steal that MacBook and Deceiving you to sign that documents but they are scaring me, that they will harm / ......Before I can complete

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