Chapter 3 Debt to him

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a formal two-piece business suit with my white sneakers. Yes, I wore sneakers instead of heels. I always prefer comfort over fashion.

I put only lip balm on my lips and a little mascara in my eyes

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I put only lip balm on my lips and a little mascara in my eyes. The restof my face I leave natural. It doesn't need any makeup.

I prefer my long, curly black hair. While putting my hair into a high ponytail and applying mascara to my eyes, a glimpse of those beautiful grey eyes caught my eye, making my heart flutter like a teenage schoolgirl who suddenly remembers her crush.

I closed my eyes, but that beautiful pair of grey eyes seems to capture my dreams as well. Yes, that beautiful grey-eyed stranger appeared in my dream last night; he was a charmer who enchanted me with the magic of his dreamy grey eyes.

Then my eyes stopped at the Id card that Mr. Bickle gave me. I closed my eyes tightly. I have to do this. I have to, but I am betraying Lucifer by this.

I opened my eyes after calming myself down. I put that ID in my purse and headed towards the bus station, which is five minutes' walk to my apartment building.

I sat up on the bus after waiting for fifteen minutes, which seems like forever. After some half an hour, the bus stops and I come out of it. After walking for ten minutes, I reached my destination.

I looked at a massive, stunning skyscraper standing just in front of me in its glory, the Kingston Empire.

written over it in bold letters. I did some research on the Kingston Empire last night and discovered that they own several airlines and manufacture electronic devices such as IPads, IMacs, and Tablets. They also own the majority of IT sector companies and are primarily construction companies that build waterparks, malls, airlines, and airports. They even own several airports and airlines, as well as chains of seven-star hotels around the world.

so fortunate, it is owned by Lucifer Kingston. I didn't see his pic in the article because of a network problem. His pic doesn't load properly.

Then I noticed there were so many guards around it. It reminded me of soldiers protecting the castle.

They are moving around, eyeing and watching everyone's move.

Nervously, I made my way towards it.

"Miss, may I know why you are here?" "Do you have an ID?" A guard asked me

"Um, I am the interior designer of Mr. Kingston's "Here, I have email verification from the company," I said, searching for my ID card, which I just kept in my purse before I could show it to him.

"Let her in," a female voice spoke from behind. The guard nodded and moved away from my way.

I made my way in and was stunned to see how marvellous and beautiful this place is made of glass. From floor to designer walls, everything screams wealth and luxury.

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