Chapter 42 Bruised

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I come towards my apartment, not happy but still not in a bad or depressed mood either,  now after talking to that stranger, it felts like; I am not empty or hollow like before

I smiled and stretched my hands above my head and smiles, this is the first time, I am smiling, but not often its little smile, my smile will be completed only when I will bring Dylin out from jail and I also want to talk to Lucifer now, I wish to tell him, that now, he doesn’t need to bother about me, hurting him again, from now on, I do only that which will have Lucifer’s happiness, if he wants to marry that, Chaorlette then I will make sure, there will be no hurdles comes in their marriage, I will myself decorate the aisle of their wedding, I will myself do a makeover of Charlette ready as a bride

Yes, if Charlotte is his happiness then, if I have to give up my life, just to bring a smile over his face, I will do it happily, because

Now, I am living for him, he my everything now

I have to meet Lucifer, I quickly go towards my bedroom

As I came into my bedroom, my phone buzzed

I immediately pick up the call, it’s Vidor I smiled, it’s been so long; I chatted to him, indeed when I was getting back to New York, from Washington DC, he was not there, in Reynolds's mansion.

I took up his call “ yes, Vidor, “ I said

“Damaris, are you alright” I heard his concerned voice

I frowned “of course, I am fine, what happened,” I asked him

“I heard about Mr.Reynolds and Master Elvin," he said to me sadly

“What happened is destined to be, we can’t change it, Vidor, but Elvin will shortly be out from jail because he is innocent,” I said to him

“Yes, you are right, absolutely I am here in New York City, this is the first time, I am here, I have important work here” he informed me and hearing this, I felt genuinely happy, he is in New York, so this means, I can meet him

“Come to my apartment; where are you currently,” I asked him excited

Finally, after giving him the address of my apartment house, flat  number, I whistled and go towards the living room, I will meet Lucifer after seeing off Vidor

“Hey, Damaris” I overheard a familiar voice, I shifted around and found Nasya standing in my living room

I smiled and greet her

“Hi, did you come with Vidor, where is he,” I asked her but there it looked so unusual of her, her eyes are looking, do puffy like she cried and even her eyes are having eyebags

“Are you alright?” I asked her

She lifted her eyebrows at me and smirked, making me frown, what’s wrong with her

“Yes, yes, I am perfectly fine but you won’t be,” she said and took out the metal rod from behind and smacked it over my head directly, making me fall over the floor, I looked at her in shock. My head is aching so badly because of that metal rod

“What the hell” I growled at her and winced due to pain

“I thought after I will sleep with your brother, he will Give me all the luxurious lifestyle which, I ever dreamed, I thought your father will name everything on his name, but damn it," she screamed frustrated and narrow her eyes at me, glaring at me “he names everything over your name he names his all property to you” she screamed like a maniac and kicked me over my belly, making me scream in unbearable pain, I tried to get up, but someone stepped into my hand and by their heels sandals, I looked up and gasped seeing Adelina, smirking darkly at me,

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