Chapter 34 Reality of her life

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"No one will dare to come near her " Dylin warned them, I quickly messaged Xavior to come, soon Xavior entered Dylan's office

He hauled out guns from his leather jacket and put it in the head of Adelina 

I studied at Adelina and the other two Men's faces are pale and scared

"What make you judge, am I a fool who doesn't know that you will try to kill me after this that's why I have all planned, already," I replied to her

"How will you prove against me, did you have any evidence against me " she added smugly to me

I plucked out my phone and on the recorder, she and her brother Gideon and that other men's faces are now filled with dread and horror after listening to the recording I undertook of her revealing her crime

"Indeed, I am giving eye witness testimony against you all in court, " Dylin said to Adelina and formerly that men, holding my hand and I squeeze his hand and Xander's too tenderly, showing them our bond of friendship

"Then, we must kill them both these all three", Gideon  said furiously, looking at me and Lucifer and Xander in disgust

"Not Before,  Adelina  will lose her life " Xander warned while pressing the gun more towards Adelina's head, the color of her face is drained now, she sounded completely pale

"Hold it Asher and Giden, just allow them what they wanted" Adelina screamed in fear towards that two men

"I don't care, I just need her to be dead now, " Gideon hissed at Adelina and glowered at me while storming towards me angrily

That another guy, with Gideon; I think his name was Asher as Adelina was referring him by this before, charged  towards us,  but Dylin grabbed their grips and kicks him hard over his legs causing them to fall down

I picked out the papers which I made signed by Lucifer from my bag and tore them in front of them and bring out lighter from my bag and burn them in presence of them, especially Gideon

and drew out that MacBook of Lucifer and banged it over the floor breaking it into pieces,  Gideon screamed in anger and stands up even his hand is bleeding and charged towards me but Xander grabbed his hand repeatedly and attacked him backward roughly making his body hit with glass wall

Adelina's eyes widened seeing this she dashes away from there and hide  near  curtains of the window, Dylin grabbed my hand and dragged me into the secret cabin in his office

"Remain here, don't come outside, okay I will deal with them," he told while kissing my forehead

"No, Dylan I can't allow you alone with them, please let me come with you," I argued to him

He shook his head and shut the door of his secret chamber underground his office; I heard his footsteps disappearing

"Dylan", I call out his name but he is nowhere

I lay down my chin over the cold wall of the room; I want to get out from here so badly so that I can help Dylan but this man he is very stubborn since childhood

I have known him; we spend our entire childhood together, indeed he also shares his lunch with me, his mom did make for him, he knows I love homemade food, usually, he never makes me feel like an orphan like other kids, alike I also know that 

I didn't get any significant activities and projects in his company as a news reporter then also my salary is more than enough to look after not merely my basic expenses but extra too, that is another thing that I never waste my salary on movies, shopping, and other useless things, he intentionally provides me more salary so that, I can live smoothly without lack of anything

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