Chapter 43 Let it go

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Lucifer POV

I, Ryan, and Noah are standing in front of the ICU room, as doctors are treating Damaris 

Soon, the door opened and the doctor comes out 

"Mr.Kingston, we treated her wounds but her abdomen is damaged severely, there is internal bleeding on her kidney portion, but it can be healed with medicines but it will take time " he informed me, and my hands clenching into fists, I want to destroy everything whichever comes in front of me, I can't think straight Damaris, she has internal bleeding because she was beaten severely 

Only, if I didn't leave her she might not be in this condition, it is all my mistake 

Noah stormed towards me and stands in front of me glaring at me, while Ryan shook his head in disappointment looking at me 

"Now, you are a satisfied asshole, after doing this all with her, this all happen because of you, you are the reason, she is in this condition," he said bitterly to me 

"what the hell you mean " I snapped at him angrily 

He frowned and Ryan spoke 

"He means that you don't deserve her, you arrogant jerk, you are blinded by your revenge and rage, that you let her slip away from your hands and now she is in this condition," he said with a scowl 

"You should be happy Lucifer, throw a grand party, as today daughter of that man who is your parent's murderer is such condition, which no one can even, ask for their enemy also" Chaorlette shouted while coming towards our direction glaring at me 

"I love her, why would I want her to be in this condition" I snapped at them angrily

"Wow, what an Oscar-winning joke, everyone please clap," Noah said with a fake amused expression 

I grabbed his collar, now he is irritating me 

"Who the hell are you, to certify my love for Damaris" I gritted at him 

"Open your eyes Lucifer, see what she is been through and only because of you, because you always push her away, whenever she comes for you, see her condition because of your bitch Ex-wife " Noah hissed at me furiously

I comes towards the washroom and splashed cold water over my face, and looked at myself in the mirror 

This all is because of me, she is in this condition because of me, I hate myself more now, only if I didn't leave her, she must be safe " I thought and closed my eyes so tightly then remain standing there for sometime 

I come out from the washroom, and started going out from the hospital, before that; I called my head of security Iben, "I want you to keep an eye on Damaris, 24 hours without even blinking, follow her wherever she will go, from distance, make sure no one can harm her, and never let her aware that you and team are following her from distance " I ordered him with an intimidating voice

Just, as I am going out of the hospital, I saw a large glass beside the door of the exit, I smacked my hand over it, it breaks into pieces, my hand started bleeding, but I don't care, my fucking mind is not in right place after seeing Damaris in that condition 

I will make sure, the bitch Adelina and that other women with her(Nasya), will rot in prison for a lifetime, and that, a stalker who is behind her and tried to rape her, I will make sure he will get life imprisonment with the cruelest torture. 

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