Chapter 12 First Kiss

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My eyes Widened  When I saw lucifer standing there, he is in a Blue Expensive Armani suit, he is looking so angry, even his hands clenched into fists and he is glaring hard at Xander, Lucifer is looking so dangerous and had an intimidating aura around him, I never saw him like that before since I meet him
His eyes have eye bags due to lack of sleep

While Xander is looking like he doesn't care with a cool expression

"What is happening," I asked them while coming down from stairs

When they heard my voice they looked at me, Lucifer hard expression changed into soft just  as his eyes meet mine

he quickly approached me then his eyes traveled to my body, as he frowned at me, I looked down at myself and closed my eyes  embarrassed, I am wearing Xander's oversized hoodie
Only, not anything down over my legs, so my thighs are exposed completely to him
"What happened to you, why do you have bruises," he asked me while his hand gently grabbed my elbow checking it

"I am fine" I assured him while pulling my hand away from his grip maintaining appropriate distance from him

I will try to stay away from him as much, I can for my own sake, I know I may be sounding like a selfish bitch but I don't have any other option either

"I am sorry Mr. Kingston for not informing you I have some urgent work so I  leave in the night without informing you," I told him in monotone without looking at him

He frowned looking at me, "What are you saying, I am worried about you when security informed me about your condition  " He spoke to me in concern

"You don't need to for that I am capable of taking care of myself," I state

Lucifer softly holds my hand "Let's go" he told me softly while holding my hands but I jerked away from his touch

"I will come by myself or Xander will drop me," I  told him emotionlessly

He frowned at me and grabbed my arms not as tight to hurt me but enough to hold me "No,  you are coming with me that's final " He said with an intimidating tone making me flinch and look again down over my body with a frown as I am wearing only Xander's hoodie

Xander quickly comes towards us and pulled me away from Lucifer's grip

"Can't you hear she doesn't wanna come with you?" he told him angrily

Lucifer scowled at him "It's none of your business " he snapped at Xander and looked at me while holding my arms again dragging me towards outside

"What the hell" I whispered while looking at him as he opened the door of his car making me sit there forcefully when I protest, I noticed Xander running outside for me but Lucifer's men grabbed him

I tried to open the door but
shit child lock

"Open the damm door" I hissed to him

But he ignored me like I am invisible and sit in the driver's seat and started driving

"Stop the car " I growled at him and he ignored me again, I noticed Weather started changing as soon black clouds surrounded the sky and soon raindrops started falling from the sky over the glass window of his car

"Stop the damm car or I will break its glasses" I snapped to him he again doesn't say anything

I shuffled in annoyance and looked around, I got an idea

"Aaaaaaaa aaaaaa"  I started screaming

he frowned irritated "Stop it" He warned me but I Don't care

"Aaaaaaaa AAAA" I continue screaming, and windows of his Audi A7 are closed so my voice is echoing with so much effect

"Stop it " He again warned but I ignored it and continue my screaming

He closed his eyes in annoyance and stop the car

I smirked at my victory and quickly opened the child lock and comes out from the car but damm, It's raining heavily
but I don't care I started running, the road is deserted and alone there is no trace of any human there, I heard the sound of a car
soon His Audi A7 comes into my view but I ignored it and continue walking someone grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him as His hands are now tightly griping my small waist, my hands are now behind his neck

Lucifer and we both are intensely looking at each other as our eyes locked
his grey eyes travel down to my lips
soon I felt his lips over mine 
We are kissing like crazy. Like our lives depend on it. His tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, and it's nothing like I've ever experienced, and I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolves into his. My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. My veins throb and my heart explode. I have never wanted anyone like this before, as I sparked alive, my heart swelled to the point of near bursting. The rush of sensations crawling across my body was maddening. Scary. Thrilling.
We are standing in the middle of a deserted road with rain pouring over us making us wet but I don't care any of this, I can feel myself getting drenched into heavy rain

But the passionate and demanding way he is kissing me like there is no tomorrow, I never thought My first kiss will be like this, this beautiful and so chaste.

We pulled apart breathing heavily his lips are swollen same as mine, he rested his forehead against mine

"This is the best kiss of my life," He told me while kissing my forehead and I looked down shyly

My first kiss


I am laying on the bed smiling like a schoolgirl who just kissed her crush while staring at the night sky from a large glass window near the bed
moonlight poured over me
Currently, I am back in his mansion as he brought me but he didn't say anything to me after our First Kiss Correction My First kiss, he was married and besides this I know,  he is been with lots of women, many Famous Victoria secret supermodels, Heiress of Billion-dollar worth Companies, Famous Hollywood Actress, he is been with everyone. 

How soft and beautiful his lips felt, it feels like addiction of his beautiful soft lips, I love our kids it's so special for me as it's my first kiss

But soon my smile fell when I realized I crossed my boundaries with him, I sat up on the bed and put my hand over my lips feel of his beautiful lips over mine is so overwhelming and still fresh in my soul

I closed my eyes tried to sleep but sleep is not coming to me, should I go to his room but it's already half past 12, he must be sleeping what if he is thinking about Adelina or any other women
ughh,  Why I even care he can fuck any woman he wants why I care, but now I can't tolerate the presence of any women with him, not after our first kiss

Am I sounds like possessive Girl

I rolled my eyes at myself, I think I need to stay away from him very badly
I can't lose myself with love, It will make bound, which I never want, so it is decided I will try my best to control my feelings whenever I will be around him as I don't want to be in love with him not now yet but will, it will be possible.

So, How is this chapter, my beautiful Readers

Any opinions about Damaris' New feelings for lucifer, please tell me by comments.


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