Chapter 39 Soon-to-be-married

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I come to the police station as the lawyer approached me

"Hello, Miss Reynolds /......" Just as that lawyer called me this, I quickly interrupted him "Lavender, please call me Miss Lavender" I stated precisely to him, I hate when someone called me, "Reynolds", it remembers me that my dad is a murderer and because of this, My Lucifer hates me now, and that lawyer nodded while peeking at that documents

"He wishes to see you one last time," the lawyer spoke to me; I nodded.

We come into the custody room, and I saw my dad, he is in prisoner clothes and sitting behind the glass wall, his eyes are full of regret and remorse

When he recognized my presence, he stared up and his eyes filled with happiness seeing me, all the sadness vanished away from his eyes just as seeing at me

But, I persist in the cold, impassive face,

"What do you want to talk now," I asked him with a scrowl looking away not looking at him

"Damaris, listen; finally court announced life imprisonment for my sins and I just wish to see my daughter one last time, before this cancer will eat me " he added and I jerked my head towards him shocked as hell

Cancer, he has cancer

"C...Cancer" I mumbled to him

He nodded weakly "when I lost your mother Aanya; that day I realized the pain of losing your loved one, that day, I finally regretted my sins, of planning accident of Lucifer's parents, I want to surrender that day to police, but I got to know that Aanya was pregnant with my child means you, From that day, I decided to search you, but I failed to find you, from that day, I never slept with peace and calm of my mind, because my sins are over me, the burden of behind someone's death was eating me alive, now when I found you, I finally confess my crimes in front of the law, so that they can punish me and with this way; I can repent for my mistakes and sins, I am so sorry my daughter, please; if you can thus seek to forgive your unfortunate father " his voice squeaked at end

I looked at him teary-eyed, he had the guilt of his mistakes, which is enough for me "Dad" I whispered at him, "you know you are a horrible person, the blame of murder is the enormous deal; dad, we have a right to make and create life to someone, but taking that life it is not in our controls, it is at the hands of god, we have no right to take someone's life, I will be very tough for me to forgive you, but I will try, because you have the guilt of your mistakes" I said to him in dried voice and turned around and immediately runs out from that room

I get in corner of the police station and start crying, this is so unbearable for me, Dad is having cancer, I don't even know what to do now, Elvin is in jail, Lucifer hates me and don't want me in his life, but thank God Dylin is fine now if something happened to him when I can never forgive myself

"Miss Lavender" I heard Mr.Campbell my dad's lawyer's voice

I turned around after wiping away my tears

He gives me some documents and papers and a pen to sign them and; I frowned and looked at him, confused.

"What is this Mr.Campbell," I asked him seeing that documents

"These are property transferring will of Mr.Vincent Reynolds, he names his company at your name, now you are an owner of that company and his mansion of Washington DC is now in transferred to his wife, Mrs.Lydia Reynolds and his son Mr. Dylin Reynolds name, and his other mansions and properties in Australia, New- Zealand, California is in your name now which he owned " Mr.Campbell informed me

I looked at that papers; I know what I have to do now, I looked up at Mr.Campbell "Mr.Campbell, can you help me "


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