Chapter 37 Noah

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I looked up at that person

It's Noah, Lucifer's brother, he violently pushed away that creepy man who tried to force me, that creepy guy landed on the floor colliding with glass mirror beside us

"Noah" I whispered looking at him

When he realized my voice, he stops and turned towards me

"Damaris" he whispered looking at me and leaving that unconscious guy there and runs towards me and hugged me, I also hugged him back as his face have a resemblance to Lucifer, he reminded me of Lucifer, except for the fact that he is a teenage boy and Lucifer is 30 years old man, they both look almost same, and why not, after all, they both are brothers

"I want to vomit, " I said as I felt pressure poking in my throat

Noah helps me to stand up and brings me to the washroom,

I started vomiting again in the sink, what is happening to me, my body felt like in a fire, my head felt like a needle is piercing again and again

I felt Noah soothing my back

Girls in the washroom, are passing me strange looks with jealousy and drolling over Noah

After I am done, Noah passed me a paper napkin and I took it and cleaned my mouth, I cleaned my mouth with it and splashed the water over my face, Noah comes and holds my hair the back, preventing them to become wet

After I felt little calm, I sighed and rested against the wall

I looked at Noah, I noticed he is in blue denim jeans with a white shirt and a maroon leather jacket over it, he is looking very attractive, every girl who comes into the washroom, shyly glanced at him, some even tried to catch his attention too, by pulling off Their jacket and showing body through their strapless dress but Noah is solely concentrated over me, he is barely aware the attention he is getting from the girls around us, I think he is used to it like Lucifer

I felt an ache in my heart when I thought about Lucifer

"Are you alright, do you want to go hospital?" Noah asked me softly

I shook my head "little tipsy" I slurred
drunkenly smiling sheepishly

He nodded and said nothing

"You reminds me of Lucifer, why you are here" I slurred and stumbled in a drunken state

He smiled softly "Just yesterday, I come to New York from Australia, actually, I am staying over in one of the seven-star hotels owned by my big bro, our Kingston Empires, I have my own penthouse there," he said while smiling awkwardly to me

I nodded to him, tear escaped from my eyes when the thought of Lucifer comes into my heart

"Your brother leaves me, he hates me" I screamed while I took hand wash bottle and tossed it over the floor angrily and clutched my hair while sitting on the floor my knees

"I love you Lucifer more than anyone can ever do, you have to come back to me, you can't leave me, I won't let this happen" I screamed again hysterically while, I took a sweeping stick placed near the door of the washroom and hit it to mirror of washroom, making it break it into pieces

Girls in Washroom, scared by this and runs away, while Noah wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and hugged me, as I started crying while clutching my hair, so hard

I am sure, some strands of my hair are pulled out in my fist, Noah forcefully grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my hair

I remained sitting there for some time, in silence as alcohol is affecting my brain, while Noah is clutching both hands so tightly so that I can't harm myself again

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