Chapter 16 Reynolds Mansion

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The doctor is applying ointment on my wounds, and Vidor, that Bus driver man who help me his name is Vidor is standing near the door of the medical room

"It's done now, Here this is prescription of medicines and elements please take these from the chemist of Hospital below the fourth floor, and these are free of cost " He informed me but I am staring at the wall in front of me absently

Noticing this Vidor quickly comes towards us and took that slip from the doctor "Thank you, sir." He told him

And put his hand over my shoulder "Let's go, Damaris," He said to me but I didn't focus on his or the doctor's voices

"Damaris" He spoke a little loudly catching my attention

"Hmm" I lostly looked at him

"Come let's go, " He told me and I nodded
to him

We come out from hospital after taking my medicines prescribed by Doctor

I looked at him " Thank you for helping me, but I must go now" I told him and turned away to go but his voice stops me

"Where will you go," he asked me worriedly

"You don't need to worry about it," I told him and started walking on the road

He runs behind me and started walking with me, and this annoyed me, I stop abruptly and looked at him with a frustrated expression

"What is your damm problem, leave me alone" I hissed to him

He shook his head with a smile, like a kid

"Let's eat first," He asked me and I shook my head but my stomach growled and I closed my eyes embarrassed

"Come on, " He told me while walking forward and turned around to look at me gesturing me to come with him

"But I don't have money to pay for food," I told him honestly

He sighed and comes towards me "It's a treat from my side," He told me and I frown

"Today I left my annoying bus driving job because I found another job in a very good place," He told me smiling at me


"So, What is your new job," I asked him while munching the cheeseburger

"I got a job as personal driver of Mr. Reynolds, he is a millionaire, he is
64 years old, he is a very kind-hearted man, he is the owner of every company of wristwatches
they are very popular and he lives here in Washington DC with his family, he has a son, and his wife, actually my wife works there in his mansion as a maid and we live in the servant quarter of their mansion

I nodded

"So, what will you do now," He asked me

"I don't know", I sighed defeated in my inner war

But I am not going back to New York now, not yet, there is Lucifer, Dylan, Adelina, and many peoples, which I don't wanna face least, for now, practically it is also not possible because I don't have money so how can I go back to new york, my mind is in a complete mess, I badly need some time in Isolation

he thinks for some time then said,
"Um, I have an idea, " He said excitedly

I raised my eyebrows questioning to him
"You can stay in servant quarter of their mansion, with us, my wife Nasya is so lovely and friendly she will love you to have with us ", he told me smiling cheerfully

"But, will owners will allow in in their mansion, I mean I don't have any ID card or legal document, will they allow to live there without any legal document," I asked him unsure

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