Chapter 7 Realization

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I sighed and began looking for the ingredients I would need to make their dinner for them once Noah left.

But how should I get ready? Sighing, I decided to make Potluck macaroni and cheese, spaghetti pie, spicy pork chop skillet, and for dessert, I made Rasgulla - A Tasty East Indian Dessert. I don't know about their likes and dislikes, though.
Yes, I am aware of Indian cuisine. In fact, an Indian family lives nearby and is very fond of the orphans I grew up with. As a result, either they invited us to their home for a treat of delectable Indian food on numerous occasions or a lady in the family would bake and give us delicious Indian desserts on those occasions.

 As a result, either they invited us to their home for a treat of delectable Indian food on numerous occasions or a lady in the family would bake and give us delicious Indian desserts on those occasions

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They are the reason I adore Indian cuisine, particularly Rasgulla.

Sighing I got to work on dinner.

After some time, I completed preparing the food and began adorning the Rasgulla with saffron. As I was moving it into the dining room, I saw Noah enter the kitchen, passing my friend the hi-fi and assisting me in moving it there.

I was in awe as soon as we walked into the dining room since it was so opulent and stunning.

"Hmm, it smells so delicious first time I feel like home,'' Noah said happily while helping me to put food in the dining

I nodded smiling "I hope you both will like my food," I said nervously

His eyes widened in shock he shook his head coming towards me

"You are too good, for everyone and it is Your Greatness that you are thinking this much about us," he said sincerely and I hugged him smiling we stayed like that for some time

We pulled apart and I saw Lucifer entering the dining room with Bluetooth in his ear talking to someone about business

when he looked at us, he disconnected the call and comes towards us

"Delicious, the aroma coming from food is feeling so heavenly" He complimented amazingly looking at me admiringly

I felt the strong warm red blush creep over my cheeks, I can't help but my stupid smile comes in lips after hearing his pleasing words

"Come dinner is ready " I informed him and he nodded

Lucifer sat in a head chair while Noah and I sits across each other

I served food to both of them, then served myself
I glanced at them Nervously thinking will they liked my handmade food
The facial expression of Lucifer And Noah is in delight and amazed as they both are eating my food, I smiled noticing that they like my food

I decided to serve them ' Rasgulla', I made especially for them

When I served they both looked confused

"This is Indian famous sweet dessert Rasgulla try I am sure you both will love it" I informed them with confidence

Lucifer took a fork to cut it, but I took hold of his hand to stop him
he looked at me surprised when I realized I am holding his hand I quickly back away
"Um, actually It is eaten by hands,
just took hold of one rasgulla and eat it directly " I stated to them

Noah tried and successfully eat it but when lucifer tries he failed
I shook my head sighing

I go towards him and took it with my hands and bring it towards his mouth, he is staring at me intently
I gestured him to eat it
finally, he eats it
he closed his beautiful grey eyes after
tasting it

He opened his eyes and I looked at the depth of his eyes something very pure which I never saw in any other men eyes I noticed in his grey ones

"Where are your hands Damaris, I want to worship them," Noah said making me laugh

"So delicious Damaris, I love your handmade food, thank you much it feels like my hunger of a long time get satisfied today " Noah Spoke amazed

I smiled and shook my head to him, and took the plate of rasgulla to serve him more

Then I looked at lucifer checking did he need anything. he is eating while
while typing something on his frowning

"Is everything is alright?" I asked him

He looked at me, shook his head "Nothing, something very important come up, I have to go now " he said while standing up

"Leave him Damaris my elder brother is a true workaholic" Noah whistled

Lucifer looked at me
"My chauffeur will drop you to your apartment and I am not asking you so better do as I say," he ordered serious and goes

but he stops in midway and turned around to look at me

"Your food especially that rasgulla is my favorite from now on " He spoke smiling with admiration and goes.

I looked in the direction where he just goes away, feeling like someone took my heart with them

Is this is my first Love?

So sorry my beautiful readers please forgive me but this is not Lucifer pov because I am thinking something very interesting for it so it will be worth to your all wait, How is the chapter, my beautiful readers
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