Chapter 38 We are Strangers

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I reach towards Lucifer's mansion, as I parked the car

I approach Iben, Lucifer's executive of security

"Is Lucifer is home Iben" I quizzed him

He shook his head " Sir, is not home yet" he notified me and I nodded and lead towards the empty roadway, I remained to stand near a tree in front of the mansion, I paced around as waiting for Lucifer, two hours passed there appeared no sign of him, I sit and rest my head over the tree and promptly, my eyes become heavy as, into a deep sleep

I startle awake when; I heard the sound of the car; I endorsed my vision and peered up

It's Lucifer's car, I saw Lucifer there, I stand up and run towards there as guards are opening the main entrance gate of the mansion

I quickly reach his car and knocked over the window, he has to listen to me

When Lucifer heard the sound, he looked at me, and just as seeing me, his eyes filled with excessive anger

I pleaded silently to him begging; he opens the door of the car and gets out

"How dare you to show me your face, don't you ever have any idea, how often I hate to see your face " he hissed at me

"Please, my brother is innocent, he did nothing, please let him get out from police custody, he knows nothing about this, for me can't you do this much for, the sake of our love please do this " I begged to him while clutching his arm

He closed his eyes in frustration and looked at me again

"There is no 'ours' between you and me, in this you are nothing to me, get over this now because I hate you from my deep heart, so expect nothing from me," he said coldly and again going to sit in his car but I stopped him by grabbing his arm

"Please, you too have a brother, you can understand me, please, "I pleaded to him and he pushed me away harshly as I stumbled into my feet

He looked at his security guards

"Never let any stranger like her get near my place, if I again saw this girl near my place, I will fire you all" he snapped at them angrily

dashed into his car and drove away at high-speed

Why he is driving at such an advance, he might have got hurt or accident, no, no Damaris doesn't think like this, nothing will happen to him. My love is with him

"Lucifer " I screamed as I tried to run behind his car but, I abruptly fall on the road as my leg hit a stone

"Mam, are you alright" Iben with some guards runs towards me, concerned

They helped me to stand up and Iben brings a first aid kit and apply oilment over the wounds on my leg

I thanked him, and comes towards Dylan's car, and drove towards the hospital

"How is he, " I asked Xander

"His operation was successful Iris, doctors able to pull out that bullet from his arm and now he is out of danger but he needs some time to recover properly as he also lost much blood," Xander said to me

I looked down in guilt, this all is because of me, my best friend is in this condition Because of me, my brother is in jail because of me, and my love Lucifer now hates me because of my actions, I am good for nothing for anyone

"I want to meet him," I said to Xander, and he nodded and we enters Dylan's hospital room

I saw him, lying there in bed, his left hand is covered with gauze and his head is wrapped with medication bandages, a sob escaped from my mouth seeing him

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