Chapter 44 Love for him

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Damaris Pov

I come out from Lucifer's mansion, walking to the deserted road, winds are blowing so furiously; like they wanted to destroy everything they will encounter

I comes towards the riverside park and sat there, staring at the water of the river

Lucifer is going to Greece, and he also doesn't know when he will come back, but he needs time to discover himself, to understand himself, to understand what his heart wants

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Lucifer is going to Greece, and he also doesn't know when he will come back, but he needs time to discover himself, to understand himself, to understand what his heart wants

It must have not been easy for him, to accept me because I am the daughter of that man who is responsible for his parent's death

I closed my eyes, but I am not feeling any pain like, I used to feel before whenever I remember that my father is behind the death of Lucifer's parents

Because, it is not my mistake, so why would I feel bad, I am innocent and Lucifer also have to understand this, for this, he has to clear his mind, Noah told me back there in the hospital, that Lucifer is going to Greece this week, That is his mother's birthplace,

It's important for him too, he needs some time for himself, I have to give him some time and now, I can live without him with me physically because, I have my love for him, and love is itself is complete in itself, it doesn't need anything, or any physical relation to Complete itself.

When I woke up in the hospital, I found Ryan, Noah, and that girl whom Lucifer is going to marry soon Chaorlette, first I was shocked to see her


I woke up, with pain in my elbows and my head temple, I managed to open my eyes and found Noah, Ryan, and Chaorlette there, I was shocked as hell seeing her here

"You" I whispered weakly looking at her

She smiled beautifully at me, and comes near me and sat beside my bed, and took hold of my hand gently,

"How are you feeling, Damaris," she asked me

I nodded at her "better"

She looked at Noah and Ryan, they both are looking at me softly

"I will wish for happily married life for you and Lucifer, but this marriage will never change the fact that; I love Lucifer and I always love him, He will never be able to love you because he loves me only, and he will always love me," I said to her seriously, I don't know why but I want to make her clear this thing, that even if she will marry my Lucifer, he will never love her, her marriage will be an only worthless loveless marriage she will be his wife for name only, he will never touch her after their marriage, and I can write this because he loves me and he will always love me only

She smiled "I know he loves you and trusts me, he can never be able to love anyone else rather than you" she whispered looking at me softly with genuineness in her eyes

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