Chapter 22 Fiancé

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My hands clenched into fists when I saw that man who is pointing the gun towards Lucifer, I swear my whole body is trembling with anger seeing him

How dare he, try to kill Lucifer, my Lucifer, I won't spare him alive today

I looked around and finally found a wooden stick near grass, I quickly took it and tiptoed towards that shooter

He is about to shoot Lucifer, but I raised
My wooden stick and bumped it into his head, gun falls from his hand and he turned around clutching his head

"Bitch, how dare you, and who are you" he hissed to me

"How dare you to look towards my Lucifer by your unpure eyes "I hissed to him and took a large heavy stone and bumped it again in his head now he is unconscious, but the thing which shocked me is when I noticed blood started coming from his head

I don't have time for this, I have to save Lucifer from that other three attackers too

But they are already very close to Lucifer before they can hit him by that iron rod, Lucifer grabbed that man hand even without turning around,
How he gets to know this

He kicked that man in his abdomen and the man falls unconscious
The other two men tried to grab him but he grabbed their ankles and throw them overground

But my smile fell when someone hit lucifer with the iron rod from behind, it's that same man whom Lucifer beat a few moments back

Lucifer stumbled and falls on the swimming pool water

I put my hand over my mouth, I quickly runs towards his direction but my eyes widened in shock when I notice that same man but this time with sharp edge knife charging towards Lucifer in pool
While Lucifer is unconscious over the pool

I looked down at the water, my phobia with water
I'm anxious. It comes as an electrical storm in my brain that, quite honestly, is painful. It's different from a headache and it feels the same as intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go. So though I appear calm, my sad eyes are saying far more than "Help me," they are saying that my soul is in such unbearable pain and all for the lack of Strength

But I can't let him die, I can't let Lucifer my first love die, no never until I am alive, death has to face me before Lucifer, I am his shield, my love is stronger than this phobia which been eating me since childhood, I am strong, and I won't let anyone not to even touch my Lucifer, he is my first and last love, my soul my half part

I closed my eyes and jumped into the swimming pool over that man who is about to stab My Lucifer with a knife how dare he, I scratched his hand with my nails and snatched that knife from him, but he turned that knife towards my arm and Peirce it so sharply into my skin, I closed my eyes so tightly in pain but I have to be strong, strong for my love, for Lucifer but again seeing water above my shoulders, my heart started throbbing wildly and fastly with fear

This fear is my challenge and my demon to slay, for it will come until I do, unannounced and gnarly. The only way out is to order this brain to function, to demand solutions instead of this crazy-making circling anxiety. So though it feels as if my bones have no more strength and my muscles are all out of power, I still have the option to remain still, to be quiet enough to choose how to fight.

I am in a Swimming pool as water drowned in me, but I remember my school swimming teacher always says do cycling underwater you will never drown in it

I started cycling under the water and I didn't drown, as taking advantage of this chance I grabbed the knife from that man's hand and threw it away from the swimming pool now he is weapons less he can't harm Lucifer now

I smiled with heart, how good this feeling feels, overcoming your fears

"You whore....." That man snarled and grabbed my neck to chock me, soon my breath becomes low my mind drowned in dizziness as he is chocking me very tightly before my eyes can be closed, I saw Lucifer, who is conscious now when he noticed us, he seems shocked seeing me then his eyes goes towards that man who is about to kill me, he is still strangling my neck, Lucifer quickly pushed him away but my eyes were half-closed because I know I am about to pass out, my body started drowning into the water but Lucifer grabbed my hand and then grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, hugging me, my head is rested on his shoulder as whole surroundings started blurred in front of my eyes, he swims carrying me and
I hear the sound of other people like the crowd is standing near the pool now

"Damaris " I heard Dad's voice as Elvin took me from Lucifer from the edge of the pool, soon darkness engulfed me


I opened my eyes as sunlight comes from a Large glass window near the bed where I am laying

"You are awake " I heard lucifer's voice he is sitting beside me in bed while I am laying, I noticed my hand is linked with IV drip And also medication bandage is there in my hand where that attacker Peirce knife, and my other hand is linked with his, his hair is messy like he ran his hand on them and his eyes a tired like he didn't sleep but still he looks so handsome

"Hmm" I managed to whisper, my eyes are half-opened, I felt like I am drugged, perhaps because of this IV drip linked in my hand

He hugged me tightly and kissed my hairline then makes my head rested on his broad chest, I noticed my clothes are changed now, I am in a sweatshirt and sweatpants

Soon, the door of the room got opened and Dad and Elvin entered the room

Their faces looked so tired like they didn't sleep since how long

When they saw me, a beautiful smile grace over their faces, and they approached the bed quickly "you awake " Dad asked me smiling in relief and comes towards me and kissed my forehead lovingly while caressing my hair
Elvin also comes next and hugged me, then kissed my cheek
"Thank god my little sister is alright" he whispered looking into my eyes

I looked over them how lucky I am to have such a caring loving Dad, elder brother, and love of my life Lucifer

"Lucifer you don't tell us how you know my daughter," Dad asked him and my body stiffen, what will he answer now

"She is my fiance" Mr.Reynolds, I love her, " Lucifer said looking into my eyes.

So, finally, our Damaris and Lucifer are united now let's see will she tell him her truth her aim for which she comes to his life

Fiancé, hehe isn't this is so surprising of Lucifer

Any guess how will her over-possessive brother and Her Father react after this confession.

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