Chapter 33 True Friendship

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I come out from my car, towards that place which is the root of this lie, which makes me almost go into depression

My news company, sighing I entered into the elevator but I quickly make a call before going into Dylan's Cabin floor

"Hello, Xander you know what to do right," I told him and he nodded after his answer

I looked at my appearance in the mirror
I am wearing dark blue crushed jeans with a white simple shirt and dark grey coat with it, and white sneakers with it

I looked at my appearance in the mirror I am wearing dark blue crushed jeans with a white simple shirt and dark grey coat with it, and white sneakers with it

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My face is make up free and I tied my long black hair into a one-sided French braid

I come towards Dylan's Cabin floor and exit from the elevator, there I found Dylan sitting into his hair looking annoyed and frustrated his hair is messed up like he ran his hands there

And Adelina she is in skin tight pink slutty dress but her face is full of anger and she also has eye bags down to her eyes

With them, I also found Gideon and one other Men's who are wearing business suits Looking frustrated

I cleared my throat to catch their attention

They all looked at me

"You Bitch' Adelina charged towards me but Dylin grabbed her arm and stops her

"What is this Damaris," he said to me angrily while showing me papers and pictures and documents of the fake IDs which Mr.Bickle gave me not only this it also has photocopies of proofs of black illegal documents they collect against Lucifer, especially that bitch, Adelina

"Like What you are seeing in front of you," I said simply

Well, I already with the help of Xander after my and Lucifer's first date, I decided that I won't give them what they want, I wi save my orphanage and Lucifer too, I will never betray my first and last love Lucifer

Collect that illegal documents and proofs against this Adelina and her brother Gideon and their involved partners, what did they think, I am weak dam shell-in- distress whom they will blackmail

No, I am Damaris, I never bow down in front of evil, and lies never

And sat up on the couch comfortably while smirking at all of them

"What does it mean " a Gideon in a brown business suit, hissed at me

I raised my eyebrows at them

"Well, I come here to inform you all that I am not working for you all anymore and don't you dare to hire anyone against him again because I am going to tell him the truth now, count your all opposite days because soon, you all will be behind the bars except you Dylin, you are my childhood best friend, I respect our friendship," I said to them

Adelina frown looking at me extremely angry "who the hell you think you are bitch" she yelled at me angrily and her eyes turned wide into shock when her gaze shifted towards my hand where my engagement ring with Lucifer is there, she frowned at me

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