Chapter 46 He is back

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"Caroline pass me that pink balloons," I said to Caroline, she is my assistant and she is also my very good friend too

I am currently standing on a chair while decorating the hall of an orphanage with pink and white themed balloons on the wall of the main hall of the orphanage while Mrs.Davis is decorating kids tables with colors ribbons

"Everything is perfect", I said when I finished decorating the wall with pink and white balloons

I quickly go towards Mrs.Davis

"Mrs.Davis, decorations are done almost, now I am going to make to call cake bakery shop, they will deliver, her Disney princess themed cake here before evening, I said in a hurry while pulling out my phone to call that cake bakery

"Yes, you already have the address right, now I want you to deliver it soon," I said to them and hang up the call

I sighed looking around just an hour the the the and birthday party will start

"Damaris" Caroline; my assistant comes, towards me

"Here, they just came," she said while handing me a shopping bag

I looked inside and smiled, beth will love this Disney Princess Belle's yellow dress, I order for her online, but what if she don't like this

"She will love it, trust me," caroline said while putting her hand over my shoulder like she knows what is running inside my mind

I smiled and hugged her, happily "I hope she will," I said and head towards the kid's joint room

Just as I opened the door I saw so many children running and playing, I noticed beth sitting in corner of the window staring out looking lost

I frown and went towards her

"What happened to my princess, why she is so sad," said her while pinching her nose playfully to cheer her up

When she noticed me, she turned around and her eyes shows genuine happiness, she hugged me happily

"I am missing you Iris" she mumbled while I pulled away from her, and kissed her chubby cheek

"You know, I bought a beautiful Disney princess Belle's gown for my princess," I said to her while pulling out that beautiful yellow Belle's dress showing her

"And the main surprise is," I said while pulling out the princess crown from the bag

Her eyes sparkled with happiness and excitement and she quickly hugged me happily giggling, I kissed her cheeks

"Let's get my princess Beth ready in Disney princess Belle's gown," I said and she nodded in excitement

I am bringing beth towards the hall where everyone is gathered for the celebration while my hands are covering her eyes

When we comes towards that table where her Disney princess cake is placed I pulled away from my hand from her eyes, and she gasped with surprise seeing everything around her all decorations and her surprise, she jumped in excitement making me and Mrs. Davis laugh but my heart started beating so faster, the the the the thing is about to happen today like someone will come today, I don't know but I am having this strange realization since yesterday, back there in Elvin's wedding ceremony

"Come on kids, it's cake cutting time " Mrs. Davis announced and all kids gather around beth while she looked at me and I smiled and passed her flying kiss and gesturing her to blow off the candles and cut the cake,

We sang the birthday song, while she cuts her cake, after the cake cutting, it's time to distribute all the gifts I bought for the children, I looked at Caroline and she nodded and brings that large bag which has gifts for children

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