Chapter 18 Them

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I am dusting the showcases of the living room of the mansion, absently thinking about Lucifer
What he will be doing, did he realize my absence, did he even care, I don't think so who am I to him so he will care for me after all I am a selfish, self-centered bitch

The cloth which whom I am cleaning the glass table suddenly falls from my hands and I kneeled on my knees tiredly and closed my eyes tightly, a tear fall from my eyes

I am missing you soo badly Lucifer, so so much, I am missing you

I feel someone place a hand over my shoulder gently, I looked up its a man in his late fifties, he is wearing an expensive suit and had the same Iris eyes as mine, his nose is also the same as mine, we have some resemblance in our faces

How can be this possible

"What happened dear why are you crying," he asked me softly, something is there in his voice which feels so fatherly affection for me

If I know who is my father, he will also be like him

I frowned at myself why I am thinking this now

I quickly wiped away my tears and stood up "it's nothing ........." before I can complete we are interrupted by someone

"Sir, your clothes and everything is ready you can freshen up " Sammy he is also house helper of this mansion, he is in the same age as mine as behaves nicely with me, spoke to that man, that man nodded and looked towards me smiling kindly by seeing him suddenly a thought come in my mind that My father also look and feel like this
Like I was feeling around that man
He placed his hand over my head "Is everything is fine dear why were you crying " he asked me his voice having pure fatherly aurora

I looked down and shook my head "It's nothing " I lied to him, I didn't want to talk about this now
He senses my uneasiness about it and quickly changed the topic

"You are new here," he asked and I nodded

He smiled and placed his hand again over my head like blessing me "Take care and God bless you dear" he spoke and goes towards the stairs

Sammy comes towards me he is three years elder than me " Damaris, what Mr.Reynolds is saying to you," he asked casually while helping me to dust a big glass dining table

"Nothing important," I told him absently

Oh, so that man is Mr. Reynolds

But again my mind blurred with the happy moments, I spend with Lucifer, I can't seem to forget about him every time he comes in my senses like he is with me, his breathing is with me.


Food is arranged properly in the dining room, I and Nasya are arranging dishes at a dining table

"Damaris, go back to servant quarter and sleep, you need rest, I will take care here," Nasya told me with concern

I shook my head, "It's okay Nasya, I don't need it, besides this I don't like to take favors from anyone and if Mrs. Reynolds is allowing me to stay here then I will work to pay her back".

She sighed and shook her head

"I bring Apple pie which is in the sweet dessert of today's dinner of Reynolds, I placed it on the dining table and Sammy started serving it, soon Mr. Reynolds arrived at the table and Mrs. Reynolds also
But with cold and scowl on her face
What kind of woman is she did she ever even smile genuinely

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds didn't talk to each other they both seems cold towards each other

I frowned looking at them and comes towards Nasya "why Mr. and Mrs.Reynolds are not talking to each other and behaving coldly" I asked her

" They always behaves like this, well Mr. Reynolds is in love with other women and Mam, knows this so since that day their relationship becomes like this, cold and without any meaning Mrs. Reynolds is only with Mr. Reynolds because of her son, Elvin Master, Nasya whispered to me, I Don't know much but That elder maid told me that when Her son master Elvin is born then she got to know about Mr. Reynolds affair so she compromises it for her son" she whispered and I remember, I noticed blush in her face when she took the name of Elvin, I don't think so maybe it is something else because she is already married to Vidor

"I am back, dad and mom" I heard a masculine voice

I turned around and found a man who seem to be in his late twenties, the same age as Lucifer, he is wearing an expensive blue business suit and have the same Iris eyes as mine and Mr. Reynolds, even his hair color is the same as me dark black

Mrs.Reynolds smiled happily seeing him and Mrs.Reynolds to seems delighted seeing his son

"Elvin" Mrs. Reynolds stands up and quickly runs towards her son and hugged him

He pulled back and Mr. Reynolds also hugged him
"How is your business trip to Australia," Mr.Reynolds asked his son
And they started discussing some business stuff

Mrs. Reynolds interrupted them "Elvin, discuss this later, come and eat." she spoke while taking him towards the dining chair and serving food on his plate by herself
By seeing them my hands clenched into fists, I hate to accept but I am jealous of them, seeing how mother care for her child no matter how grown up they are

I looked away and try my best not to cry over there, my heart and my inner child is also craving for mother's love

"You know, my heart can sense already that you are coming so, by coincidence, today I ordered to prepare your favorite apple pie," she told him and gesture To our side to bring it

I looked at Nasya she looks uneasy and nervous when Elvin's eyes landed on her, she quickly goes towards them and started serving him " I can feel Elvin eyes over her while the time when she is serving him but something which makes his stare different is that I noticed purity and chastity in his eyes when he looking towards her, not creepy and prevent but softly

There is a very strong warm red blush in Nasya's cheeks and this makes my frown deepen how can she react like this when she is already married to Vidor, for god sake he is her husband and a very nice guy

I will talk to her about this later, my eyes again fall over Mrs. Reynolds and Elvin she is feeding him with her own hands smiling beautifully this is the first time I saw her smiling

I looked away ignoring the ache in my heart, everyone have someone who will take care of them except me who is alone, I have no one for me

Even after controlling so much still, a tear falls, but I quickly wiped it away, I am not weak I am a strong independent girl, I don't need anyone to take care of me, I am my hero

Soon, Nasya comes towards me her face is still flushed "Come, Damaris, let go let's eat" she told me but I shook my head hand her plate of chocolate ice cream, actually Mrs.Reynols ordered us to serve ice cream too after dinner as it is her son's favorite

"I need some fresh air, and I don't have an appetite," I told her lostly and quickly runs away from there

I rubbed my arms while staring at the night sky from the garden of this mansion
Stars are Sparking in Sky mocking me that how sparkless my heart becomes

Cold wind touches my skin startling me
But I ignored this and laid my head over my knees which are pressed against my chest

I felt something warm draping over my arms, like a sweater

"Don't you think it's too late to be here at this time" I heard a masculine voice

I looked up and shocked to see who is that person.

Any guess who might be that person

And get ready next chapter will be full of revealing secrets and reality of Damaris' life it is one of the most important chapters in the story.
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