Chapter 15 I can't take it anymore

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Damaris pov

I woke up with the worst headache ever, seems like my head is spun and hit by a heavy thing

Slowly, I tried to clear my vision and noticed, I am laying near some highway road, My dress is waste in the dirt as I felt a very strong urge to throw up nausea due to the sick feeling I was getting due to dirt

But fear is still so fresh in my mind, my fear with water, images of mine drowning in that swimming pool than my childhood incident where I have almost died after I drowned in the sea
I noticed I am alone in this highway area, near some bridge, there is no trace of anyone here

What will I do now, I just have to go back to Lucifer, tell him about that Lia bitch

I quickly stand up and run towards the bridge to go after a while, I fall on the harsh road as and my head is hit by harsh stone so, it started bleeding

I clutched my head to stop blood from my head and tried to stand up to run but again my legs can't support and I falls crying

I tried to look upon my leg to rub it so that I can stand, but my eyes caught a Saying written on the railing of Bridge

"Karma bides its time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback".

I clasped my hand over my mouth and leaned against the railing to Bridge

I deserved this, this is my Karma coming back to me
I agree to harm Lucifer with his enemies and now this is happening with me, But I love him what about my love for him, my heart is innocent

I heard the clapping sound of someone hands
I looked up and my eyes widened when I noticed it's lucifer smiling bitterly towards me

"Lucifer " I whispered smiling looking at him, pain in my heart vanished just at the mere sight of him

I managed to stand up even my legs are sore and bruised, but I managed to approach him

I put my hands around his arms

"L...Lucifer, I want to say something so badly to you, ' I love you ' Lucifer, you are my life now, my heart chooses you, Even I don't know when I fell in love with you " I spoke smiling but still tears are flowing from my eyes like a river

He looked at me with a disgusted expression and grabbed my hands and pushed me harshly backward and I stumbled and falls on the road, I looked over him shocked

"Don't you ever dare to lay your filthy hands over me again, you are disgustful, you should be ashamed of yourself, you can you even think that I will love you back, you are a betrayer and backstabber, bitch" He gritted angrily to me

Pain runs through my nerves hearing his words, I clasped my hand over my mouth looking wide-eyed, tears are spilling like a flood from my eyes

"N...No p...Please try to Understand" I tried to tell him but he Show his hand to stop me from saying anything

"Don't ever show me your betrayer Face again or I will do something which you can't even imagine, you bitch" To said with so much hatred and I winced at his words, how can he say this to me, he is never like this, even after knowing my truth he can never talk to me like this, he
is well mannered

But you are a selfish bitch
My inner voice told me and I closed My eyes, I loathe myself, I can't even face myself anymore

I opened my eyes and looked at Lucifer, he is looking with so much hatred towards me, then I heard the sound of heels soon Lia comes, lucifer wrapped his arm around her waist possessively

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