Chapter 24 I love you

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The car stops Infront of lucifer's grand mansion and he quickly comes out and I too

It's the right time to talk about him, just as I am about to say his name, he quickly goes inside his mansion leaving me there in pain, not physical but in heart for him

He has a cold expression on his face, I am worried our whole drive from Washington DC to New York he hasn't spoken me a word, except reminding me of my medicine time and making me eat food

I think he is extremely angry with me

I quickly rushed towards his bedroom but damn he is not here, maybe I should check on his study

I go towards his study while playing with my fingers nervously what will I say to him, he is very pissed off with me,  extremely angry

Gaining confidence and mouthing god's name, I entered in his study

"I don't care about that, I want that deal as soon as possible," he shouted angrily on phone with an intimidating tone which can scare the hell out of any person,  I go towards him, when he noticed my presence, he turned away to go out, but I grabbed his hand

He looked at me still with a cold expression and raised his eyebrows

"Lucifer are you angry with me," I asked hesitated

"What I am supposed to answer," he asked me coldly

"Lucifer please" I squeezed his hand

"I was scared Lucifer, " I told him the truth

"Why you are scared, do you even know what I have been through when you are not with me, it seems like my whole world shattered after you are gone, first time in my entire life I was scared, scared for you, do you even know how much my heart yearns for you, it feels like my half part is separated from me " he pours his heart to me, all his emotions
Comes in his eyes for me

"Oh Lucifer" I whispered teary-eyed and hugged him while crying

He hugged me back kissed my Forehead

Finally, it's time to tell him the truth, that I love him

" I .....I love you Lucifer " I confessed to him and he froze at his place

I pulled away from him and observe him his eyes are having some strange emotion while he is staring at me Intensely

But heart filled but nervousness

Did he don't love me, but he confessed that he loved me in front of my dad and brother then

My all nervousness was gone in the blink of an eye when he grabbed my small waist and pulled me towards him suddenly, my hands were over his hard and muscular broad chest

Warmth blossomed in my chest, sparks igniting as Lucifer leaned in close, our lips brushing together, tentatively, for the first time. The smell of his Cologne, was dizzying, butterflies dancing in my stomach. But warmth consumed me as I leaned into the kiss, Lucifer's lips impossibly soft against my own
Our bodies pressed together and my body pressed hard against the wall of his study, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat, my hands went towards his suit as I took off his suit jacket and now he is in his white shirt, I quickly started unbuttoning it, finally I fully unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hand over his perfect body, he has such a damm athletic body which can melt any women, I moaned when he bites my lower lips, I started caressing his chest and my hands went upper towards his hair fisting it and pulled him more towards me while he is sucking my lower lips, soon I felt him pulling my tank top from my head, my face is flushed now, he comes down towards my neck sucking it
And I moaned loudly he kissed my collarbone softly while my hands fisted his hair

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