Chapter 8 Who are you

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1 month later

I am sitting on the balcony of my apartment with warm coffee in my hands looking at the beautiful night sky smiling

Since the day meet lucifer, I started smiling started living my life
I don't know what charm he did on me
his everything pleases me, it been a month spending time with him
I always smile whenever I think about him, that's why I love to think about him

I heard a knock on my door I opened it and saw Xander standing with his stupid grin In his face

"what do you want," I snapped at him

he pouted "Is this is the way someone should treat their best?" He said with a pointed look and pushed me aside entering my apartment, and put the bag on the table of my living room pulling out Bottle of Whisky showing
it to me grinning like a child, while I rolled my eyes

"Here I bring a perfect chilling material,'' He said while taping on the Whisky bottle he bring while going towards my Kitchin and taking out glasses and ice cubes

I raised my eyebrows at him
"You know very well, I don't drink,'' I said to him

This time he rolled his eyes," I know very well Iris you don't drink, But believe me no one drinks without any reason," he spoke while taking a sip of his whisky, I don't know but there is something very deep in his spoken words

"So, how is everything," I asked him

He shook his head "Usual as always, she never understands me, sometimes it feels like it's over between us " he said with a glint of sadness in his eyes

I stared at him sadly
he is talking about his girlfriend Elisha, she and he are in a relationship for four years and they are currently having some issues over their relationship

I go towards the couch where he is laying sadly after drinking a whole bottle of Whisky and hug him

He hugged me back "You know, you are my lifeline," he mumbles sleepily, I nodded and kiss him on his cheeks, "I know very soon she will understand you and you two will be together again"I spoke while he nodded and smiles drunkenly soon I heard his Breathing, I pulled away and looked at him, he is asleep already, I head towards my bedroom and bring a blanket and cover him with it.

Sighing I go towards my room and change into my pajamas and lay on my bed again suddenly my phone buzzed I looked up its Dylin's call

what happened why did he is calling me

I received his call
"Bark," I said annoyed not in the mood to talk to him

"Did you find anything?" he asked me

I frowned I am so confused what should I do now I cant betray lucifer
and I can't even tell to him if I will then he will hire someone else in my place and they can harm lucifer

"No no Dylan, but I will soon tomorrow I am going to that place which he purchased for his home
I will try to find them" I said to him
silently praying to god to end this misery on me

"Okay but take care Iris don't find any trouble for yourself," he said and I sighed

Before I can say something more

I heard a voice of crying of someone in pain more like the crying of a kid
I frowned its midnight in Night who is there

I quickly looked out from the glass window from my room
my eyes widened when I noticed a kid crying while sitting on the road

I quickly pulled away from the blanket and ran out of my apartment but when I comes outside I didn't find anyone

I frowned what the hell has happened
where is that kid then I heard someone footsteps I looked in the direction of where it comes from
I walked in that direction soon I notice I had come far away from my apartment and I found myself in a deserted area, actually building of my apartment is near the highway and a less crowded area

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