Chapter 27: Coming Home

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Disclaimer: when I wrote this chapter it was a lot more winter-y okay don't judge me for the weather not exactly being current

Chapter 27: Coming Home

Song: Coming Home- Diddy & Dirty Money

"make me feel, I dare you, because




+ + + + +

Alone is safety. Alone is a guarantee of not being hurt.

And it's starting to get boring. It's been maybe three days since I was left alone in this house, and it actually feels dull. I've gotten over the initial thrill of it all - the excitement, the liberating new freedom. Now I've practically memorized this house from top to bottom.

Pondered every theory, explored every hallway. They've got to get back soon, anyway. I've almost run out of food.

Instead of moping around, complaining about how bored I am, I decide it would be nice to go outside for a little while. I doubt Kol would let me if he was here, and I think I need a little fresh air. I open the front door, and I'm met with a huge force of cold, wind, and snow.

Let's just say when I said fresh air I didn't mean that.

Naturally, I run around the house searching for warmer clothes (a hat, scarf, gloves, etc.), and once I'm satisfied with the warmer outfit, I head back outside. I get the same reaction, it's cold as fuck. It's a little hard to push through, but I go out anyway. It's sort of funny. I can't imagine the face I'm probably making.

I walk around on the porch for a bit, eventually deciding to settle down on one of the snow-covered rocking chairs. The weather is numbingly cold, and I know I won't be able to stay out here very long unless I want to risk losing a few limbs. 

The rocking chair thing was a horrible idea, the snow is beginning to literally wet my pants - as awful as that sounds. I can feel the wind blowing onto my cheeks, nipping at my nose. 

After about ten minutes of "enjoying the nature" I give in, running back inside. 

The heat feels amazing, and the cold numbness begins to fade as I begin to warm back up. I peel off my soaking wet and cold clothes, and take yet another long, hot, shower. 

After that and changing into more of Kol's clothes (it's not as creepy as it sounds, I don't have that many options, okay?), I get some food and settle into the tv room, watching multiple rerun episodes of America's Next Top Model.

When that gets boring and I get tired I head right back into my bed under a mountain of covers and take a nap.

These days, that's about as exciting as it gets.

+ + + + +

I'm half awake when I hear the creaking of the door opening and footsteps nearing my bed. A whisper and a chuckle whispering: "Right where I left you." In a lovely accented voice. Kol must be back, along with the rest of them judging from the distant shouting that's coming from the first floor.

I'm still so tired my words and actions are almost drunk-like, and I barely open my eyes. "Took you long enough." I mumble softly, almost incoherently, but Kol understands my words so perfectly like as if I was screaming them at him. He laughs. "Are you wearing my clothes?"

"Shut up. It's not like I have my own wardrobe." I grumble, pulling the covers over my head. I'm extremely tired after that fairly short nap. And by short I mean six hours.

"I think it's cute."

I scowl, still under the blankets. "Did you miss me?" He asks jokingly, sitting down beside me on the bed. "Mhmm."

"Are you feeling any better?"


"Can I see them? And possible your face?" He asks with a hint of laughter.

"No." I deadpan, trying to make sure the covers are close enough to muffle sound, I'm trying to keep from laughing.

"Why not?"


"Can you clarify?" He asks with a grin. But I'm not laughing anymore. "I don't want to see that look on your face." I say quietly. "What look?" Kol asks, seeming genuinely confused. "You know what look."

"I don't."

I sigh, sitting up and shoving the covers away. "That look, Kol. The pitying one. I don't want you to pity me. I can't stand it."

"I don't pity you. I'm just looking out for you."

"It's fine, really. I'm used to it."

"Then will you let me see?"

"I'm wearing pants."

"Take them off."

"Why, so you can make a comment about the colour of my underwear?"

He grins at that. "Nothing I haven't seen before, love." 

I scowl. "You're not helping your case."

He laughs. "Fine. There's a bathroom right there, change into shorts."

I shake my head. "I don't want to. I'm too tired. And lazy."

"Then take off your pants."

"Promise you won't say anything."

He laughs. I give him a look.

"Alright. I promise."

I show him the cuts, which have healed into long red scratches all across my thigh for the most part.

"They look better."


I slip my pants back on, snuggling back into the warm covers. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"Not really. Do you want to talk about the 'family business' you had to run off to?"

"Not really."

I grin. I'm definitely getting strong feelings for this idiot. Often I mistake them for hate, which is a lot harder to do, and I'm beginning to think it's something else. Something I don't want to be true.

He lies down next to me. "Kol. Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Do that. You know if you lay there I'll wind up falling asleep on you and you'll take it the wrong way and try and kiss me or something when you know we can't."

"And why not? Why do you make that out to be such a bad thing?"


I got busy okay XD I have homework and writing and reading for class and swimming and sleeping and tv and I got busy!!

Hopefully the next update won't be up in a week and a half haha. I'll probably post one Wednesday and be back to normal.

Also: I'm going to try to do dedications again??? Let's see how this goes...


Mollie x

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