Chapter 14: Princess

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Chapter 14: Princess

Song: White Horse- Taylor Swift (I don't like her, yeah, but it's a good song and it fits this chapter *shrugs*)

"Scars aren't beautiful, anorexia isn't beautiful, being bipolar isn't beautiful, if it was fucking beautiful, I'd have a boyfriend."

+ + + + +

"You can just put it on the floor." I say coldly, not even moving to face him or tearing my gaze from the spot on the wall.

It's four days now that I've been in this house, maybe three, I've lost count since every one feels exactly the same. This is about the time when Kol brings me some kind of takeout food, tries to make conversation, etc.

It's pizza tonight if my nose hasn't deceived me.

I feel trapped here. Almost like Rapunzel, or Belle before she grew a liking for her beast. Which, I assure you, will not be the case with this particular one.

"You act like I'm some sort of beast." He says, complying to my request and setting the food down.

My thoughts exactly.

It's now I do turn my gaze towards him, but I'm hot with rage. "Well, are you? I guess I wouldn't know, would I? You don't tell me anything."

"A beast? I think you're confusing me with my brother. Don't tell Nik I said that."

"How could I? I'm trapped up here like a princess in a tower. You won't even let me out of my room, how in the world would I be able to say a word to your family?!"

"It's a good thing your prince has come with food." He grins, gesturing to the pizza like it's some sort of bribe. I laugh, but it's humorless. "Prince? More like captive. You're no knight in shining armour, Kol, you're the bloody wicked witch of the west."

"Have I mentioned how much I like your humor? And your insults, and your sarcasm?"

"Oh, no. Quit changing the subject. And stop with the compliments! I'm mad at you!"

"Are you, princess?"

"I am not, under any circumstances, your princess. Nor are you allowed to call me that. Ever. But, you do give me this strong urge to sing 'Someday My Prince Will Come' out the windowsill, or better yet, fall out of it."

He only laughs, grinning, with complete amusement. He makes me murderous. It's completely maddening.

"I'm being nice to you, love. I don't know what more you could want."

"Aren't you a real prince charming?" I spit.

"First stalker, murderer, psychopath, now this? I have a name, you know."

"Don't care, Charming suits you. Besides, isn't that what you want? To be some screwed up prince, a savior? Well guess what, Charming? I don't want to be saved. Especially by a Mikaelson."

(A.N: I had to throw in a OUAT quote, I couldn't help it!! Also, there's the quote from the prologue/description :D)

"If only you knew the power in that name, princess, you would learn not to miss-use it. You might even learn to fear it."

"Again, how would I know? You. Don't. Tell. Me. Anything."

"This, again?"

"Yes, this again! What am I supposed to think, Kol? I'm supposed to sit here, being your perfect paper doll, an ignorant and obedient princess waiting in her tower? I should believe that everything will be perfectly fine? Because my life is in the hands of a complete stranger - "

"Don't say that."

"But it's true! You could very well be a stalker, or a murderer, or a psychopath, or hell, even a prince for all I know! You practically live in a castle already. Maybe you're fine with it, but I can't just sit here and pretend I believe everything will be okay. I don't even believe I'll be okay!" I realize I'm sort of screaming at him, and I mentally scold myself for losing control like that.

"Sweetheart..." He tries to grab my hand, but I rip it away. "Stop! I don't want your affection, or your pet names, or your flirting. I want to be left alone. I wasn't happy before, and I'm not happy now. You can't snap your fingers with your nice pillows and takeout dinners. You can't buy me."

"I'm not trying to buy you."

"Then what are you doing?"

He just looks at me with those stupid little mocha puppy eyes, staring me down. He thinks I'm going to melt at his touch, fall to pieces at his gaze, tremble at his voice, or shatter at his smile.

But I don't.

"Just leave, please. I don't want to argue anymore." I say, quieter this time. I feel exhausted and drained.

He stands up, walking towards the door. "Your pizza's cold, princess."

"I don't care, charming."

He just looks sort of sad when he leaves. Like he wants me to feel bad. I almost do. But then I remember how he makes me feel. That blood-boiling sensation. That rage.

And so I squeeze my pillow to my chest and close my eyes. Maybe things won't always feel this bad, this crappy. Maybe I won't always feel so alone, so angry, so tired and sick.

Maybe I won't always feel so sad.

There's a Rumbelle/Rumpel gif on the side to tie in the fairytale feel. For those who don't watch Once Upon a Time - you should. It's a great show. Again, I don't take credit for the 'charming' quotes or ideas: That's all Eddie and Adam and all the other Once writers. I don't take credit for Kol, Klaus, Elijah, etc. But I do take credit for Lacey, Rachel, and the plots I created. Don't steal or copy. Please. Sorry for that little disclaimer, and thanks :)


Mollie x

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