Chapter 4: Hospital Grey

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Chapter 4: Hospital Grey

Song: Life Support- Sam Smith

"She smiles so she's okay, right?"

+ + + + +

Third Person POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Lacey had wished herself dead over and over. And maybe finally that wish had been granted. But as it is, it isn't granted all the way. Lacey isn't dead, no. But she isn't alive either.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It's the sound of the heart monitor. After noise complaints from neighbors, and even a 911 call, the police had arrived. And what they found: A mutilated girl from the inside out. A brutal man continuosly beating her long after she'd passed out.

Her heart is lightly beating, even with all the urgent care that has been provided for her. And that might not even be enough.


Nurses and doctors rush into the room, pulling the curtain around to conceal the bed.

What a mess, indeed.

+ + + + +

"She's stable." The doctor finally exclaims, and the team sighs in relief. After multiple attepts at shock therapy to wake her, it had finally worked.

"Will she wake?"

"Doubtful. Move her to a private room. I suspect she will be there for quite some time. In comatose."

Lacey's POV

I'm dreaming. I'm sleeping. I hear noises, but they all become a part of my fantasy world. There is no good or bad. There is no right or wrong. There is only sweet chaos and simple time.

I'm finally at peace.

I don't see why I would want to wake up.

I only feel calmness and rest. It's nice like I've never felt before. It's nice like I've never had the privlage to experience. True state of mind with myself and the world.

I only feel hope and hapiness and what I would imagine home to be like. I feel love. I feel happiness at last.

It's like when you first wake up on a Saturday morning, but you aren't awake enough to remember pain or sorrow. But in a constant dream-like state.

I don't see why I would want to leave.

Why would I go anywhere when I can dream up scenarios of my mother and I, picture old memories of a happy childhood?

Why would I leave when I dream such things?

And I see him, a boy with brown hair and a light heart. A smile that moves mountains and a voice that touches your very senses with a kind of velvet that's layered and layered. I dream of a boy that loves me too.

Somewhere deep inside I know it isn't real. But I don't exactly know what is real. I don't have any troubles. I don't have worries or pain. I might not have a solid grasp on reality, but I don't want reality. I don't want honesty. I'd rather stay like this. Maybe I'll stay like this forever. I want to. If this is what death is, I don't mind it at all. In fact, I wish this became my fate much earlier.

I'm underwater and I may be drowning but far below the waves are calm and I could try to come up and gasp for breaths of air but I would also get the choppy storm that comes with the surface.

I'm tired of fighting. I just want peace.

She's not going to be in a coma for the whole rest of the story if that's what you guys are wondering, I'll have a time skip later on ha. No worries ;) Sorry for the shortness but this needed to be in a single chapter. Since it's short I might post the next one a little quicker than Saturday idk we'll have to see.


- Mollie x

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