Chapter 28: Denial

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Chapter 28: Denial

Song: Nothing WIthout Love- Nate Ruess

Why is she a strong girl? Because she walks around every day on the verge of tears, and you don't even have the slightest clue that she's not okay.

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"Lacey. You act like you're completely new to this. We've kissed. Multiple times. And if I lean in right now I know you won't stop me. Give me a reason why we can't. You can deny your feelings for me, but I know." He holds our intertwined hands up for emphasis.

"I've given you plenty of reasons! You just don't like them!" I argue. He raises an eyebrow, gesturing me to go on. "For one, if something bad were to happen between us, I wouln't want to be here, and you wouldn't want me here. For two, you know I really don't need a relationship right now, if it falls apart I'll have no one and I'll be even worse off than I am now. Three, I hardly know anything about you, because you refuse to tell me. I hardly think that's a good foundation for any relationship - even a friend-based one."

"Are you saying that if I told you everything about me you would consider us?"

"Well... Maybe...No... I don't know..,Probably not..."

"Then you can mark off argument number three. And the other two are just what-ifs. What if we fall apart? What if we're both hurt? But what if it does work out between us? All you've been worrying over is falling. But darling, what if you fly?"

He brings my hands to his lips. "What if I can make you fly? Give me that chance."

"I... I need you. I need you too much to lose you. I don't know what I would do. I need you to understand."

"You're not listening to me, love. I can make you happy. I can give you everything and never let go. You have this safety, this comfort, these walls. Don't you want more than just 'safe?' Passion, adventure, even a little danger. I can give it all to you. And that's putting it delicately."

"Then put it indelicately."

He chuckles, a grin spread that lights up his whole face with amusement. "I would make your pretty face flush red with all the glow of the northern lights. I'm trying to be a gentleman, you're not making this very easy."

I have to bite my cheek so I don't hide from embaressment. My face flushes anyway, I can feel the heat in my cheeks.

"I'm not going anywhere. You have my word." He touches my face, brushing his fingertips along my jawline. I grab his hand. I'm going to have to stop him this time. I can't be weak anymore. I can't give in. "Kol. I can't completely trust you... Not just yet. Give me time."

He sighs, standing up.


"Yes. Can't you just be my friend, support me. For now? I really need it."

"I'll take that into consideration." He smiles, but I think he's a little hurt. Maybe shocked. I'm sure it isn't often people turn down such a pretty face like his. It's hard to resist, I admit.

"Are you staying? You and the rest of your family?"

He nods. "I think things are going to be steady here for a while. Which means, you need to stay out of trouble. No more roaming around the halls."

I fake pout. "Why not?"

He chuckles. "Sometimes I worry my family doesn't have the best... Priorities. Their intentions are flawed when it comes to strangers. You can't be in the middle of that."

"So you're just going to keep me locked away in here?"

"Unless you'd like to change your mind and be locked away in my room." He winks.

I giving him a warning look, he puts his hands up in surrender. "I was only kidding."

I smile.

"I know."

He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "Sleep well, then. I'm just down the hall if you have any... Urges." He leaves the converstaion there, walking away and closing the door behind him.

I can't help but wonder if Kol has anything in his vocabulary other than a countless number of innuendos, jokes, and teasing.

It's kind of attractive. I hate him for it too.

The cocky git just can't get enough, can he?

There's something about him... Something I can't put my finger on. It's like the answer is on the tip of my tongue, I mean the clues are all right in front of me, I'm sure. I just don't know what they lead to. I'm so close to trusting him but something seems to scream at me to run. If I knew what he isn't telling me, it might give me closure.

I guess it doesn't matter, I'll just have to get Klaus to tell me what I need to know. I don't know what else I can do.

I know it's short, I'm sorry!! I just feel like the next bit has to be in it's own chapter, so this part has to be a little smaller. The more exciting stuff is on its way!!

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