Chapter 17: Attachments

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Excuse the long authors note, but idc who you are, this shit needs to be said and you need to fucking read it. :

don't romanticize this crap, okay? That's not a cool thing or something to be proud of. It happens a lot, and honestly it's not an okay thing to do. This is a real problem and struggle for a lot of people and you're not helping.

For those of you who do know what I'm talking about: I'm going to be dead fucking serious for a minute okay listen to me.

do not starve yourself.

do not skip meals to lose weight.

do not compromise your health and well being to fit into a smaller size it will not make you happy it will just make things worse and it spirals out of control so much faster than you think it will and it will continue to impact your life long after please please please take my word for it.

don't hurt yourself.

it's so much harder to stop than to start and it's nearly impossible yeah there's an off chance that you'll never do it again and forget about it but that chance is as small as hell just don't do it ever you will regret it.

and if you do, if you look in the mirror and hate what you see or go to the bathroom after lunch or have a hidden drawer in your shelves that conceals all your secrets: I feel you and if you want to talk my acc. is literally in the corner just message me don't you dare sit in silence if you need to press that button.

I guess that's all I have to say I'm sorry for going all depresso on you but hey this story has warned you already lol

to lighten the mood: i'm sorry i don't update every day, there's blood on my fingers and the touch screen wouldn't work

enzo is life okay x

this authors note is literally longer than the actual chapter I am so sorry but here ya go XD

Chapter 17: Attachments

Song: Beautiful Day- Joshua Radin

"I may not have given you a lot to remember, but please don't forget me."

+ + + + +

We finally pull into the grocery store parking lot. The town I'm in, Mystic Falls I think, is even smaller than I first assumed. We had to go to a whole different city to even get near some sort of shopping center. Meaning, more car time for us. I nearly fell over from joy if you get my drift.

Kol attempts to be some sort of gentleman and open my car door or some crap, but I push him away and get out myself. "I can walk." I snap.

"I was being polite."

"Yeah, well." I shrug. I'm not a nice person and I'm not in a good mood. I need to make a t-shirt or write it on my forehead I guess because the whole world finds it impossible to understand. Yes, I'm rude and mean and selfish. Yes, I'm crazy and strange and messed up. No, I can't be fixed.

But in my defense, has anyone ever thought maybe I didn't turn out to be exactly who I wanted to either? Has anyone ever thought maybe I'm a disappointment not just to my friends, my family, but also a let down to myself?

No, they haven't.

We walk into the store, I brush off any effort that my annoying little friend here tries to put into touching me in any way.

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