Chapter 39: Flashing Forward

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Chapter 39: Flashing Forward

Song: Sad Beautiful Tragic- Taylor Swift

I'm so scared that days will turn into weeks, then months and before you know it you will be completely moved on and won't even remember me but I will still break down when I hear your name.

+ + + + +

Time Skip

I sigh as I wipe down the table for what feels like the eightieth time today. It's pretty late, I check my phone and as it turns out it's friggen 11 at night. I rub my eyes, trying to stay awake for the very last table in the cafe. I finally finish, and start to haul the chairs up, but someone stops me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, Lace. I can take it from here. Go home. You've been here for forever." 

I put the chair down to smile up at my boss. "Thanks, Gen." 

She laughs. "No problem. And hey, enjoy your birthday night." I smile shyly, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I'm surprised anyone even remembered. "I will. Thank you. G'night." I wave, heading out the door as the bell rings to sound my exit.

I get in my car, driving along the dark road. Something feels al little different tonight. Off somehow. It gives me a bad feeling. I convince myself that it's just the fact that I'm legally an adult today, meaning anything could happen. It's kind of empowering, but scary at the same time.

I'm doing pretty well for myself. I finished High School, and will be attending collage soon, but seeing as it's July I'm just working my butt off (as always) to pay for things like tuition, the car, and my shabby little apartment. Thank god my roommate helps with rent, but as it so happens, she's currently on vacation. I guess it's a little easier to just "take a few days off" when you have parents to help you out in paying for things. Frankly, I don't have that luxury.

I must admit I'm a little jealous, but being so independent makes me feel pretty good about myself. I pull into the parking lot and head up to my floor. I let out a sigh of relief when I finally get to my room. After resting my back on the door for a few minutes, I head to the kitchen.

I open the fridge, taking out the cupcake that was placed inside last night, along with candles and matches from the nearby drawer. I set it all on the kitchen counter, lighting the candle and placing it in the center of the cake.

It all feels very "Emma Swan," but seeing as it is my favourite show I don't see why I couldn't get away with it. 18, however, is a little different than being 28 but I suppose it's close enough. And anyway, I wouldn't want my nonexistant son to come knocking. I close my eyes, making a wish the way I have since I had a mother who cared enough to let me, and blow out the flame.

Before I can even get the cupcake's paper off, there's a knock at the door. I scowl. I can't even have one night without being interrupted. Not even on my birthday, which I'm celebrating alone.

Pushing away my anoyannce, I go to answer the door. As soon as I do, I'm nearly blown backwards by shock. He takes my breath away, in a bad way, leaving my terrified and somewhat angry.

"Lacey." He whispers, in a voice that sounds so broken, so empty and lost and just... Hopeless. Tragic. 

But I'm not his hope. I'm not his fix, his wholeness, his glue. I'm not the girl he's looking for. "I'm sorry," I say coldly. "I think you have the wrong floor." I slam the door, but his foot keeps it from closing. 

I cross my arms.

"If you don't get out, I swear to god I'll call the police. How the fuck did you find me? God, how did you even get up here? Who the hell  let you in?!" I back slowly away from the door, but he follows walking into my apartment, much to my complete discomfort.

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