Chapter 13: Family Problems, Huh?

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Chapter 13: Family Problems, Huh?

Song: Immortals- Fall Out Boy

"It doesn't matter how bad your problems are, they will always tell you someone has it worse, no one is going to care, till you tie the rope and kick the fucking chair."


+ + + + +

"How is it that I know nothing about you, and I'm going to be staying at your house? I think we skipped a few steps for a normal relationship. You could at least buy me dinner."

Kol laughs. I'm in his car, he's driving us to his supposed 'mansion.' I will definitely regret this later, but it's not like I have that many other options.

"What is it you want to know?"

"I dunno. But I really have no idea who you are. At all. Your name is Kol, and you don't give your word lightly. That's it. That's all I know about you at all."

"I don't think that's true. You know plenty. You know I have a mansion, you know I have the means to keep you safe, you know I have a family."

"That's nothing, Kol. What's your full name? Your family's names? What do you do in your spare time? What motivates you? I don't even know your bloody favourite colour!"

He smirks. "My name is Kol Mikaelson. I have a very large family, though most of them are dead. My mother and father are dead, but I have my siblings: Niklaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Freya, Finn and Henrik are also dead."

"I'm sorry." I mumble. It seems customary and expected, but I'll feel bad if I don't say it. He just shrugs. "So your last name is Mikaelson?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

I smile. "That's me as well. I don't like my name. Smith. It's so... Common. Boring and plain. And, it belonged to a complete asshole."

"So did mine. My father, he was a monster himself, and then he proceded to turn us into ones."

"My father was like that. But it's become my goal in life to not be anything like him at all. I know that I say I hate you, but I don't thing I'd go as far to say that you're a monster."

He laughs. "You really don't know me, then."

I shrug. "I guess not. But you can't go around telling me I never let anyone in. You're acting like a hypocrite."

"That's different." He says, waving me off. "Is it?" I counter. "Yes. It is."

"And why is it different?"

"One day you'll know."

I shake my head in frustration. "You confuse the hell out of me, Kol Mikaelson."

+ + + + +

We finally do pull up, to this huge house. Bigger than I've ever seen, and grand. Balconies, a garden, trees and statues.


Kol just looks solemn. "Home sweet home, I guess."

"It's gorgeous. Don't you like it?"

He shrugs. "It's big, but so much of it is empty and lonely. It's not homey or cozy, like a place you'd want to curl up for a cup of tea. It's... Cold."

"It's a bit of a step up coming from someone who's only ever lived in a single story home." I say. My family was never rich, we didn't really have much. It makes me appreciate little things, like jewlery or grand gestures, that others take for granted.

I guess you could say it makes me a better person, but because of all the wrong reasons. I'm grateful for a lot of things, even though I don't always express it. I'm grateful for Kol, as much as I hate to admit.

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