134: S4 The Reunion

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Hallo!....I mean hello!

Yes hi am back, motivation is back, and this time I used flex tape so it won't go anywhere for now. Anyways I'm not going to waist your time reading this because it's nothing really important so just scroll down and start reading, So yeah that's it, cya!

Levi was sitting underneath a tree, waiting for someone. He had an tiny octoling girl besides him sleeping next to him.

???: Hey.

Levi open his eyes and looked in front of him he saw an Inkling girl with a Kimono and had a warm smile on her face, She closed her umbrella and walks towards him.

Levi: ...hm took you long enough Green tea.

She then hits his head with an umbrella.

Marie: Call me Green tea and I might actually kill you.

Levi: Ow okay jeez... again with the kimono?

Marie: Oh shut it, I like this kimono, So it's either you shut it or you'll get another bonk in the head.

Levi: Okay okay jeez.

She sat next to him and gave him a sandwich, He took it and splits it in half, He then place it on a basket and gave the other half to her.

Levi: Here.

Marie: Hm thanks, I was kinda starving.

Levi: Really?

Marie: Oh no I wasn't starving levi. Sorry isn't that enough sarcastic for you?

Levi: Heh shut up.

Marie: *giggles*

They sat there for an hour talking about there lives, and such. It was a beautiful day for these two to hang out underneath a tree, escaping the cold dark heated Faith of reality just for the two of them to enjoy themselves. But then she said something that shocked him.

Levi: A new agent?

Marie: Yeah, his actual a nice.

Levi: ...he?

Marie: Yup, why? Jealous?

Levi: ....no. no I'm not, I'm just curious that's all.

Marie: levi....if something bad happens to me I want you to do something.

Levi: ...what? Woah hey where's all this coming from? Where just.... hanging out just the two of us.

Marie: I know but... Please just promise me one thing.

Levi: ....okay...what is it

Marie: *sigh* if....I possibly died....I want you to look out for my Friends. Especially Callie.

Levi: ...... don't say that Marie. You'll live a happy life. Maybe sooner or later you'll finally Would be retired from your job and go somewhere with your cousin.

Marie: ... thanks Levi.

Levi: ...Hey Marie.

Marie: Yes?

Levi was supposed to speak....but....that feeling is pulling him down and wasn't able to speak. He just shake his head and leans back on the tree.

Levi: Nah nevermind.

Marie: ....your weird you know that right?

Levi: ....heh..y-yeah...I know.

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