62. S2 Close but yet so far

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(Olivia pov)

Olivia woke up on the bed.....Then she was shock, she sits up straight and looks around the room. She was confused how did she end up in here. She didn't remember what happened yesterday.

Olivia: ....how did I get here?

She also noticed that Felix is gone missing as well. Then she smells something apparently it's her she smells weird

Note: basically she smells like.....a "punch bowl"

She decided to take shower afterwards.


(Felix pov)

Felix was on ammo knights. He tells them what happened last night.

Sheldon: .... She kissed you?


Spyke: And your point is?

Felix: The point is why the f*** would she kiss me!?

Queen: Why are you complaining mate? I thought you like her?

Vivi: And it's so romantic!

Felix: NO! It's not romantic it's messed up!!!

Spyke: Look you said that she doesn't know if she felt the same way right? Then there's your answer she likes you.

Felix: .... I thought that as well...but what if that's not her.

Everyone went silent for a moment.

Vivi: What do you mean?

Felix: ... She was drunk yesterday right?

Queen: Yup me and her are the drunk ones.

Vivi: And i take her home and eat all of my food like a raccoon.

Queen: Hey i was drunk.

Felix: What if that was just an accident.

Spyke: How can you tell that she's drunk?

Felix: ....well her face was....red. (blushes)

I felt something crawling on my back it's so weird.

Queen: I think it was sans.

Felix: how did you hear me?

Spyke: Okay again...what's your point?

Felix: ....what if she didn't really meant to kiss me...what if that was the drunk Olivia.

Sheldon: .... That's one theory.

Queen: Okay what if that was the real olivia?

Felix: ..... If that was her....like really her...then-

Olivia: Hey Felix!

My death has come. I looked behind and it was as olivia she on her pink jacket today. I was blushing mad and panicking at the same time. Why is she dressed up so cute today!? WHY AM I PANICKING!!!!?

Felix: what!? How d-did you find me!?!

Olivia: Cypress told me that you were here.

She begins walking closer to me. I back up a little.

Olivia: what are you doing?

Felix: ....what?

Olivia walks closer and I back up until I hit a wall. She was confused what's happening to me.

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