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i woke up late after i brush my teeth i go down and i was shock  we have visitors. they're at the dinning having a breakfast.

"good morning seulgi"  the visitor said.

" hi! good morning " i smiled and greeted them.

"im jimin's cousin and we just arrived  last day. were  from US" she said.

"mom im bored" the kid said. shes so pretty.

"hello" i said and smile widely to her.

"i dont like her!" the girl pointed me. this kid  is bit snob. hmmm. her mom scolded her for being rude.

"jimin my dear cousin can nayeon stay here for awhile. i have to attend something and no one's gonna watch nayeon. you know she's so picky and you're the only person who can tame her" she said.

"but taeyeon? i have to go to office today" jimin said while nayeon is on his lap.

"you can bring her there" she said to jimin.

the girl hug jimin so tight and i think she really a fan of jimin. hmmnnn.

"tito please, you know i wanna spend time with you. you remember when me and tita mina shop together in new york" the girl said. hmmmnmnn. she's having a throwback in front of me.

"okey! but please nayeon please behave key?" jimin said to nayeon. he was so quick if mina was the topic. hmmp!

"yehey ok!" nayeon was so happy. shes so cute but i think she has jimin vibe.

"thanks couz. i have to go"  her mom said and left. i set and started to eat.

"do you have plans today?" he asked me.

"nothing ill just stay here at the house" i  said. ill just gonna stay here to sleep. hehehe.

"can you please go with me and help me to  babysit nayeon. i have a busy day today." jimin said.

"okey!"  i said and smiled at the kid but she just rolled her eyes. this kid is so cute. hahaha.

i wore ripped jeans and plain white shirt with  black and white converse. i love this kind of outfit. when i go  down i saw jimin and nayeon waiting for me. nayeon seems so bored.

"gosh so late and what was that you're wearing. tita mina would not gonna wear that kind of clothes so cheap. so simple. ewwww" she said. this kid is like jimin.

jimin's holding nayeon hands while walking. so this was he like to his future kids. im behind them. yeah im like a hired babysitter.

"you and tita seulgi at backseat." he said and the snobby kid followed jimin.

"so! whats your work?" she asked me.

"im a model" i answer

"oh? model of what? model of mosquito killer or some cheap brands" this kid has sharp tongue and jimin just watching. maybe this kid doesn't like me.

"yeah." i answered her.

"are you rich" she asked again

"no" i said 

"yuck! i hate poor" she said again. this kid really a mini version of jimin. rude and sharp tongue but jimin didn't  say something  bad about the poor it's just a vibe of this kid.

"nayeon!!" he finally called out nayeon and the kid went silent.

when we arrived at the building the people greeted us. the people who i used to work greeted me and they're happy to see me.

WE GOT MARRIED (ENGLISH) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon