Chapter 5 - First Meething

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While the King and Queen and Prince Kaiser walked through the hall, we all waited patiently with our heads down.

Then, as the King and Queen stood in front of the chairs on the platform a few steps higher, he called out to us,

"All of you, lift up your heads."

At the king's dignified words, we raised our heads in unison and looked at the three people on the stage.

The king has a dignified appearance, blonde hair and blue eyes, and the queen who stands next to him with a gentle smile is a beautiful woman with pale pink hair and blue eyes.

And standing between them, with a smile on his face, was Prince Kaiser, a younger version of the character I saw in the game.

...I knew he was a capture target, but even if he's a kid, he's still handsome! There's something different about his aura. But I see, it certainly makes sense that Cecilia said she fell in love with Prince Kaiser at first sight. Even though I'm used to seeing handsome men in my family, that's an even higher level of handsomeness~. And that princely smile...the eyes of the young ladies everywhere are completely glued to the prince. Well, I know that smile is a pseudo-smile, and that he is black-hearted, and after all, I know that he might execute me in the future, but honestly, I don't flatter myself at all. Oh, I just remembered! That prince, was the final target I was able capture in my previous life before I died. Only, that prince was already too difficult, and from the middle of the game, so I had just focused on mechanically and silently capturing rather than crushing it.

My cheeks twitched involuntarily as I remembered this.

And so, with mixed emotions, the king and queen and Prince Kaiser's greetings were over, and immediately a long line of people formed in front of Prince Kaiser.

It was a line of young daughters who had formed, as they had done with us earlier, to greet the prince.

I was watching the line with a dry smile, slightly distracted by everyone's spirit.

Then my brother came up to me and said,

"Cecilia, aren't you going to go and say hello?"

"...I wouldn't want to go there if I could, but I can't do that, can I?"

"Well, yes. In case you're wondering, we're the son and daughter of a duke, and we can't afford not to say hello to the prince of this country."

"I know...but for now, it's better to wait until that line settles down."


My brother and I just watched the line with an indescribable expression on our faces.

When the line finally came to an end, I went with him to greet Prince Kaiser.

"Prince Kaiser."

"Hmm? Oh, Roberto, I didn't know you were here."

"Yes. Today is my sister's social debut, and I've come as a chaperone. Now, Cecilia, say hello."

"...Yes. Prince Kaiser, I am Cecilia de Heinz. It's a great pleasure to meet you."

When I said my name, I plucked at the hem of my dress and folded my knees to meet Prince Kaiser.

"Ah, so you are Miss Cecilia? It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I have heard a lot about you from your father, Sir Reinhardt, and Roberto. But it's true, you are as lovely and beautiful as I've heard so much about you, like an angel."

"...Thank you."

Prince Kaiser smiled at me and complimented me on my appearance, but I could tell from his pseudo-smile that he was only speaking from his mouth and not from his heart, and I responded with a pseudo-smile as well.

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