Chapter 31 - Courtyard Event

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Sorry for the long wait guys, due to some personal matter I wasn't able to post anything. But anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter .............

A few days have passed since I left Ghislan's private office in a hurry, and I still wonder why Ghislan was acting so strangely at that time, but this time I decided to be careful not to disturb those two anymore.

So today I was walking alone in the courtyard, but unfortunately, there was already a visitor in the courtyard.

It's not only that, but also that...Nina and Prince Alfeld were the first two visitors.

And those two were walking side by side in the courtyard, talking happily.

Geez! Why am I running into you guys at this point in time!?

I was bemoaning my bad timing, but I spun around on my heel to leave before they noticed me yet.

But then I heard a voice calling out to me,

"Isn't that Cecilia over there?"

"What?...Well, Lady Cecilia!"

As expected, I couldn't ignore their voices, so I slowly turned to them with a bitter smile on my face.

"Hey, hello..."

I waved at them as I greeted them. Then they smiled and came downstairs with me.

"Is Cecilia alone?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to go for a walk in the courtyard..."

"That's just great! We were just taking a walk in the courtyard, and I was wondering if Cecilia would like to join us."


"That's a good idea! We'd love to have you join us, Cecilia-sama!"

"No, no, no, it's not like I wanted to interrupt you guys..."

"There's no way you're interrupting!"

"Yes! I'd rather welcome it!"

As expected, I didn't want to disturb them, so I tried to say no, but in the end they pushed me to go for a walk in the courtyard with them.


...why is it this arrangement?

So I glanced at the two of them walking beside me, confused in my mind.

I was planning to at least take a step back and follow behind them so as not to interfere with their relationship, but for some reason they ended up standing on both sides with me in between them.

I also saw an opening and tried to quietly slow down and step back, but each time they fell back to match my pace.

In the end, I was made to walk around the courtyard in this unfamiliar arrangement.

Then, while the three of us were strolling around the courtyard for a while, a beautifully carved fountain appeared in front of us.

...Huh? I don't know where I've seen this fountain before, but...

As I thought that, I casually looked at Prince Alfeld's face beside me and realized with a huff.

Ah! It's the fountain event with Prince Alfeld and Nina!

Nina was invited by Prince Alfeld to take a walk in the courtyard and happened to find a fountain to take a rest, when Nina slipped and fell into the fountain.

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