Chapter 38 - Commander vs Leader

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I moved as much of what I could move from the pantry, and with difficulty, I managed to barricade myself inside and hide.

Then the door opened again and a very happy leader walked into the room.

"Well, sorry to keep you waiting, Princess! I'm ready to...what? Where's the princess...ah, there she is."

With that, Rabi walked without hesitation to the barricade I had put up.

I built it with some pretty heavy shelves, and I should be able to buy a little time! Okay, if there's an opening while he is breaking down the barricade, let's dash out of that open door!

I was secretly timing my escape with this thought.

"Princess, you don't have to hide like that, I'll just take you and eat...or maybe I'll eat you sooner or later. Well, I'll leave that alone, but I'm ready to go."

The next moment when I thought I heard Rabi's voice nearby, I let out a loud noise and one after another the objects I had used for barricading were lightly thrown away by his hands.

Huh? Huh? I mean, that's a steel shelf that's probably a few dozen pounds long! No, no, no, you can't even flick a full keg with one hand...what an idiot!

Rabi seemed to sense no weight at all, and I just watched the barricade dwindle and diminish, stunned.

Then, when everything in front of me was removed, I finally realized that I had forgotten to run away.


With that thought in mind, I hurriedly got up and was about to run past Rabi to the door.

"Oops, you won't get away with it."

After all, there was no way they would let me go that easily, and I was caught by him in no time at all.

"Hey, let me go!"

"Whoa, don't get out of line, Princess...I don't want to hurt my precious wife if I can help it. Keep quiet."

"That's why I've told you over and over that I'm not going to be your wife!"

"Oh well, let's go then. It might be a little painful, but bear with me."

"Huh? Hey!"

Rabi picked me up lightly and carried me over his shoulder like luggage.

Well, this position again! This is hard for me because it puts a lot of pressure on my stomach!!

I thought so, but I couldn't move because he was holding my legs firmly in front of me so that I wouldn't get out of control.

In the meantime, Rabi climbed up the ladder with one hand while holding me, slipped out of the underground storage room, and walked straight to the front door.

"Hey, really think about this again! I can't do anything as your wife, can I?"

"It's fine, It's fine! If you don't understand, you can ask my henchmen's wives and they'll tell you everything you need to know. It's normal to make mistakes at first, and I don't mind. And the princess who is in trouble for making a mistake like that...she's absolutely adorable!"

Rabi was chuckling to himself as he said this.

I heard Rabi's laughter, and although I was being carried on his back, I could easily imagine the grin on his face.

How did this happen...?

I let out a deep sigh, thinking that in my heart.

I managed to make a barricade and hide in it, even though I had a hard time moving things that could be moved in the grocery store. As I was grieving, Rabi, who thought I had given up on him, walked out of the house with a light step.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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