Chapter 33 - Hobby Room

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I stepped into Prince Leon's private room for the first time with Prince Leon's guidance.

"Wow~ as expected of Prince Leon's room! So many different minerals, so nice!...Oh, I see, you're arranging them by region!"

I looked around the room with such admiration and curiosity.

Prince Leon's room had many large shelves lined up against the wall, and inside the shelves were a beautiful display of colorful ores.

"Thank you! After all, it's only Sister Cecilia who would say that to me~"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Most people will certainly tell you that it's beautiful, but they don't realize that you place them in different regions. Furthermore, my brother would say with a dumbfounded face that I am collecting too much~!"

Prince Leon's cheeks puffed out in disapproval as he said this.

Seeing Prince Leon's face, I couldn't help but blow out my mouth, hiding it with my hand.

"Fufu, Prince Leon just turned 15 this year and completed a magnificent coming of age ceremony...I'm relieved to see that he hasn't changed at all. Because...if the one who thought he was still a child suddenly became an adult, I'm sure I would have been perplexed."


I was happy to see Prince Leon, who hadn't changed at all, smiling, but for some reason he fell silent upon hearing my words and stared at me with a sullen face.

"Prince Leon?"

"...I'm not a kid anymore."

"Oh, I hope I didn't offend you...I'm sorry. It's true that at that age, just coming of age, it's still very complicated..."

When I realized the reason for Prince Leon's grumpiness, I hurriedly apologized.

Honestly, as someone who has experienced being an adult in a past life, 15 years old still looks like a child. But it's true that even in my past life, 15 years old was a difficult age to be 15. I still had a complicated combination of wanting to play and wanting to be an adult...

I was apologizing to Prince Leon and remembering the events in my previous life.

"...I can't wait for Sister Cecilia to be aware of me as an adult man."

"What? Did you say something to me?"

"Mmm, nothing. Now that we're done talking about this, I'd like you to take a look at something my sister Cecilia."

"What do you want me to see?"

"Yes! For now, sit here!"

Prince Leon smiled his usual smile and pulled my hand and made me sit on the couch in front of his desk.

And this Prince Leon went once to the other room and came back immediately, but he had a rolled up piece of paper in his hand in the shape of a tube.

"This is what I wanted you to see~"

So said Prince Leon happily, and he sat down next to me and spread the paper out on his desk to show me.

"This...looks like a floor plan, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Um...where is it?"

"I'm actually thinking of building an ore room to display my collection."

"Oh, I see."

I still have some more ores I want, but I've been having trouble finding a place to put it, and I've decided to build a special room for it, because I'm not done decorating it.

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