Chapter 21 - Capture Target Prince Alfeld

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The moment Prince Alfeld smiled bewitchingly, the female bureaucrats and ministers' wives in attendance, as well as the maidservants who were waiting for her, all became excited.

"Wow~ Only 11 years old and that kind of sex appeal...amazing!"

I was slightly taken aback by the fact that he was still smiling the same bewitching smile I had seen in the game when I was 20 years old.

Then Prince Alfeld gave the women a sidelong glance and winked at them.

At that moment, some of the women swooned and fainted on the spot.

Soon the men helped the women and the audience became very busy.

After some women had been carried out of the room, the king cleared his throat and called to Prince Alfeld.

He said, "Prince Alfeld, you are welcome in our country. Enjoy your stay here until your return."

"Thank you, sir. And to thank you for acknowledging my visit, I have brought you a few of my country's specialties, which I hope you will accept."

Prince Alfeld said so and took out a curled up letter from his pocket and held it out to me, so my father, who is the prime minister, received the letter and checked the contents on the spot.

"I have received the inventory. I will examine the contents together with the original later."

"Thank you"

My father nodded one nod and lightly bowed to Prince Alfeld before stepping back from the spot.

Then Prince Leon poked and prodded me in the arm as I was watching the sequence of events.

I wondered what in the world was going on at a time like this, but when I glanced at Prince Leon, he spoke to me while leaning towards me.

"Hey, Cecilia-sister, do you know what the mineral in that offering is?"

"What? Which one is it?"

Look, it's in the box next to that bundle of carpets.

So Prince Leon told me to take a look at the place, and I found a luxurious box next to a lot of beautifully patterned carpets and a mountain of unusually shaped ore in it.

"Is that...could that be the 'Desert Rose?'"

"As expected of my Sister Cecilia! Actually, I've never seen the real thing before either, but I saw the illustrations of 'Desert Roses' in a book and I thought it might be so."

"It's definitely a distinctive ore."

As I said this to Prince Leon, I stared at the ore.

The "desert rose" is a mineral that is mainly made of gypsum or barytes, and although it was originally transparent, it has a brownish color because of the desert sand that adheres to its surface.

The reason it's called "rose" is because of the natural phenomenon of crystallizing into a shape like a rose, which is why it's called a "rose."

The desert rose is not a beautiful jewel-like mineral, but it is used as an ornamental because of its unusual shape.

I remembered seeing such details in a past life when I looked it up on the Internet.

And when I briefly explained about the Desert Rose to Prince Leon without mentioning his previous life or the internet, he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and looked at me happily.

"You really are amazing, Sister Cecilia!"

"No, I don't think so...I just happen to know a lot of people..."

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