Chapter 32 - Gentle Hands

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"Then I'm sorry to say that if I take too much time it might strain Cecilia's body, so I'll have to go—"

"—Cecilia! I heard you fell into the fountain, are you okay!?"

While Prince Alfeld was in the middle of saying the words to leave, the door suddenly opened and Kaiser rushed in, looking flustered.

"Wait, Kaiser! Knock! Knock!"

"Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't have time for that! But that doesn't matter now. What about your body? Isn't it painful for you?"

"I'm fine! It's okay! Kaiser, please calm down!"

Kaiser came to the side of the bed with a desperate look on his face and looked into my face restlessly with his hands clasped onto mine.

I was a little taken aback by the look on his face, so I tried to quiet him down with a confused expression on my face.

But even so, Kaiser put his face very close to mine and tried to check my complexion.

"You look...a little pale. Have you seen a doctor?"

"No, I took a quick bath and I'm good to go!"


"Kaiser...I know you're worried about her, but since it's best for Cecilia to rest, it's time to move away from her."

Saying that, Prince Alfeld grabbed Kaiser's shoulder and pulled him away from me, but Kaiser turned around to face Prince Alfeld with a grim expression on his face.

"...Alfeld, from what I heard, you were with her. And yet you let Cecilia suffer like this..."

"I'm sorry. It's completely my fault."

Prince Alfeld bowed to Kaiser with a pained expression.

"Wait! Prince Alfeld isn't at fault at all! I just carelessly tripped and fell into the fountain on my own!"

"But Alfeld should have been able to save Cecilia before she fell into the fountain!"

"It's my fault! Prince Alfeld rescued me when I almost fell first, and because of that, Prince Alfeld was unable to help Lady Cecilia! So it is my responsibility!"


When Kaiser was looking at Alfeld with a cold gaze, Nina interrupted him, and this time Nina bowed deeply to Kaiser and apologized, so Kaiser looked at Nina with a troubled expression.

"...Hah~ I understand. Well, I had heard the details in the report in case you were wondering. I was a little too upset too. So please both of you raise your heads."


"Prince Kaiser..."

"But the next time something happens to know what I mean?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Yes! I'll be careful!"

When Kaiser gave them a very black smile as they raised their heads, they nodded deeply, their faces tightening.

I felt a twitch in my cheek as I watched them, and my head began to hurt.

Then the door opened again and Ghislan, Prince Leon, Viktor and Lady Lateia came rushing in from there.

You guys too!?!?

I thought this in my mind, but the rush that would follow made my head hurt even more.

"Hey Cecilia! You walked into that fountain on your own? That's the stupidest thing you've ever done."

"No, I didn't go in there on purpose..."

In an otome game I'm a villainess!? I can't accept this!Where stories live. Discover now