Chapter 25

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His phone beeped loudly, letting him know it was time to leave. Clarke stretched looking over at her clock. '12:15am' He reached over her silencing the phone.

He pressed a light kiss to her shoulder before rolling out of bed and getting dressed. He stepped out into the hallway, she heard him knock on Octavia's door before heading into the bathroom. She stood rubbing her eyes before making her way to the kitchen. She filled 3 disposable to go cups with coffee and sat a honey bun on top of each. Before climbing on a stool and waiting for them to be done. Bellamy came out dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, followed by Lincoln who looked like he wasn't fully awake yet. Clarke saw the headlights through the kitchen window signaling Wick was there. Octavia opened the door before taking a seat next to her at the island. Wick motioned to the coffee.

"One for each of you" Clarke nodded.

"Thanks" he smiled grabbing one.

"I'm going to go, see you in a few weeks" he smiled heading out.

Lincoln walked over to Octavia placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Three weeks will fly by baby" he smiled before kissing her.

"Clarke, thanks for the coffee. Take care of her" he called walking out the door.

"Always do" she replied. Bellamy walked over to the two of them, pulling them into his arms.

"My two favorite ladies, behave, look out for each other. I'll see you in a few weeks." Octavia stood pressing a kiss to his cheek before heading back to her room.

"Love you Bell"

"Love you too O" he replied, his eyes never leaving Clarke.

"I Love you, don't make any decisions about us till I get back, promise me"

"I promise" Clarke replied standing. He wrapped her in his arms.

"You make it hard to leave" he whispered in her hair.

"I'll take that as a compliment, your going to be late, get moving" she smiled handing him his coffee and pastry. She reached up running a hand over his cheek as he captured her lips. He kissed her until it felt like she couldn't breathe. He pulled away placing one last kiss on her forehead, and walking out the door. She locked the door behind him and made her way back to her room. She climbed in bed and slid under the blankets, the blankets that still smelled like Bellamy.

She laid awake for awhile and as soon as she started to fall asleep, a text from Bellamy came in.

Bellamy: Boarding plane now, I'll let you know when I land

She opened it up and responded.

Clarke: Safe travels xoxo

She pressed send before rolling over and praying for sleep.

Bellamy stepped off the plane in California, the heat hitting him instantly.

They boarded the bus waiting to take them to base. He sat down turning his phone off airplane mode.

Bellamy: I'm here in one piece. I'll call tonight.

Before he could put the phone away it vibrated in his hand.

Clarke: I'll be waiting...

He read the message before dropping it in his pocket. Both Wick and Lincoln smiled watching him.

"What?" Bellamy asked.

"You start smiling before you even open the message" Wick teased.

"Stop" he smiled wider.

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