Chapter 7

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A slight knock on the door pulled his attention in her direction.

"Hey" she greeted softly.

"Hey" he replied grumpy as ever.

"I just wanted to stop in and say hey, normally I come in and introduce myself but you already know me so I'll just skip to the chase"

"I want to apologize"

"Good, you can do that from the chair"

"Wow, right to the point"

"Yup, let's go, we can start now." He struggled to move, this was going to take getting used to.

"Can I help you?" Clarke asked.

"I got it"

"How about a suggestion, I know you are right side dominant, but get out of the bed on your left side, let your left leg and left side support you, otherwise you're going to be in a heap on the floor, then I'm gonna torture you with I told you so's" He sent her a look before heeding her warning and doing what she said.

"This happens every two hours, bed to chair, chair to bed and so on. " she added.

His body felt week, run down, and just fed up. What were the chances he would get hurt on a damn field exercise, he'd been to war, spent 6 years overseas and never got injured. Not even a week at a new duty station and here he sits in the hospital, with the one person who drives him crazy as his physical therapist.

Clarke took note to his stagger, his body wasn't ready to start yet, but he was, the look he shot her was full of anger and she knew come hell or high water he would succeed just to prove he could. He sat down adjusting the way he was sitting.

"You said something about an apology?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have been an ass when you are willing to help"

"Good, apology accepted, I'm going to lift your leg, I'm going to bring it up till your leg is straight, parallel to the ground, and hold it there for three to five seconds. This is to show you the exercise. I know with the cast on your leg is heavier then normal. Even if you just get one rep, you lifting your leg is strengthening your muscles" She did it once and he managed once before cursing when he couldn't get it high enough the second time.

"Bellamy, you had surgery less than 24 hours ago. I want you to do reps of that on and off when you are in the chair. Leg lifts when you are in the bed. I'll have you do that before I leave"

"Geeze, surgery less than 24 hours ago but a ton of work to do" he sighed.

"Yup, can't afford to be lazy, here I brought you lunch" She smiled pulling a bag out of her tote bag and setting it in front of him. His eyes lit up seeing the container.

"Chicken parm, from Bella's"

"Gosh, I could kiss you, you know how awful the food here is"

"I do, and please refrain from touching me thanks" she joked, he shoveled the food in his mouth like a starving child.

"These are from your sister" Clarke held up a book and a magazine and set them on the table.

"Did you bring Clothes?"

"Yeah, you had stuff you left at the house" The Blake shirt she wore that he demanded back and a pair of shorts.


"Anytime, when you get done eating I can help you get dressed."

"I can do that on my own"

"You sure?"

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