Chapter 6

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Clarke woke up afraid to open her eyes, her head felt like it was being split in half, the throbbing a reminder of last night. A night she didn't remember much of. When she willed herself to pry her eyes open, Bellamy was the first thing she saw, sound asleep on her floor. She rubbed her eyes before looking again. Sure as shit there he laid on her carpet.

She racked her brain trying to remember when they left the bar, how she got home, why Bellamy was on her floor...she got nothing. No recollection of the night. She was still dressed all the way down to her shoes, which was comforting. She kicked her shoes off and pulled the blankets higher up on her body, she felt hot but was freezing.

The thud of the shoes hitting the floor startled Bellamy. He stretched looking over at her, he could hear her shivering.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Why are you in my room?, and why am I so cold?, why can't I remember last night?"

"We think you were drugged, should be leaving your system, might be why your cold but sweating"

"What?" the look she gave him was concerning.

"Don't worry, I brought you home, tossed you on the bed. Everything I looked up said water and sleep. I figured if you got worse I'd hear you" he stretched before sitting up.

"Thank you for doing that"

"Let's not make a habit of it"

"Who would do that?"

"Someone like"

"Emerson" she whispered.

"Exactly. Someone who doesn't take rejection well and buys you drinks out of sight before bringing them to the table."

"I have to report to base in an hour, gonna take a shower quick and take off, glad you are awake" Before she could respond he clicked her door shut and was gone.

He walked into the shop on base, everyone just started arriving knowing formation was in twenty minutes. He sat on the edge of a table waiting for that familiar face to emerge through the doorway. He spotted Wick, then Lincoln, then Emerson trailing behind. He stood cutting him off before he could get in the door.

"What did you put in her drink?" Bellamy managed to keep his voice relatively calm.

"Nothing, I told you I would take her home, she just drank too much"

"Drank to much?! She didn't drink too much, she can't even remember last night!"

He could feel his blood pressure rise, he was losing control by the second.

"So she can't handle her alcohol, Did you make it worthwhile and at least get a piece?"

Bellamy hit him so hard it took him off his feet.

"You come near her again and you will answer it me" he growled stepping over him.

"Nothing to see, move it along" Wick stated ushering the lower ranking Marines towards formation.

Emerson avoided them all through training, they left friday and spent the next three days in the field training for ground operations. Bellamy looked down at his watch three hours left, enough time for one or two more runs.

They ran through the first one smoothly, and the second one was going as planned. They cleared the second floor of the training building and took a left and were mock ambushed. However the mock ambush took a turn for the worse when Bellamy over stepped backwards and caught the low window, sending him out of the building and leaving him lying on the ground in pain.

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