Chapter 21

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The girls woke to the smell of bacon filling the house. Stretching they gracefully pulled themselves off the couch and out of the mess of blankets and bodies before making their way to the kitchen.

"Look who's up early and cooking" Raven smiled placing a kiss on Wick's cheek as he scrambled eggs.

"Only for you" he smiled.

"Hey, does that mean we don't get to eat" Octavia pouted pulling up a bar stool.

"All of you, only for all of you" he laughed.

Clarke weaved through people to the coffee pot. She was just about there when Bellamy handed her a full cup.

"Thank you" she smiled yawning.

He leaned towards her, tilting her head up with his fingers,

"Even half asleep and crazy hair, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

She could feel her face heat up, he pressed a light kiss to her lips before pulling away. She made her way to the stool next to Octavia at the counter.

She loved waking up and seeing him there, loved feeling his lips on hers. She could get used to that, she did her best to push images from the day before out of her mind. Like Octavia said, taking Octavia's words seriously, you can't let them see that stuff.

"You alright?" Octavia nudged her.

"Yeah, why?" Clarke asked.

"I don't know, zoned out staring in your cup of coffee, not blinking" she laughed

"Not fully awake yet" Clarke yawned.

"Well snap out of it, I get to spend the day and the night and most of tomorrow with you" Bellamy said moving behind her and letting his hands rest on her shoulders.

"I'm going to go shower" Clarke stated setting her coffee cup down.

"Your not eating?" Bellamy asked.

"I will, won't take me long" she smiled letting her hand drag along his arm as she passed. He sent her a smile giving her a once over in her pajamas, causing her to blush.

"Hurry up" he laughed turning back to the group. She was in and out in minutes and felt 100 times better and more awake. She came up behind him rubbing his back lightly, he reached over his shoulder feeding her a piece of bacon, before she slid onto the stool next to him and Wick sent a plate sliding down to her.

"Thank you"

"So what are we doing today?" Octavia asked.

Before anyone could answer thunder rumbled making the windows in the house shake.

"Well I guess that answered that" Raven laughed.

"So movies it is" Wick added.

"Let's keep the love stories to a minimum" Lincoln pleaded. Octavia replied by sticking her tongue out at him.

The day moved slow, the rain didn't let up at all, 5 movies later and multiple snacks they finally decided to switch from pretzels and soda to alcohol and order a few pizzas.

"35 minutes" Lincoln stated hanging up with the pizza place.

"I'll go get them, have to stop at the liquor store anyway" Clarke offered.

"I'll ride with you" Bellamy stretched beside her.

Clarke sat in the car waiting for him to grab the pizzas. Rain took over the streets, it was coming down fast, if there was a word to describe more than pouring, that's what this was.

Finally the back door opened, he set the pizzas in and got in the front. His white t-shirt stuck to him defining his body, rain ran in streams down his face and arms. He smiled pulling her to him and capturing her mouth with his. The kiss was earth shattering, the kind you feel to your core, her body instantly reacted to his, craving more. She deepened the kiss and his hand moved to her thigh drawing light circles on the fabric of her jeans. His touch always drove her wild. He pulled away slighlty out of breath.

"Liquor store" he stated sitting back and adjusting himself in the seat better. She clicked her seat belt in and put the car in reverse, they moved two plazas down.

She parked and looked at him expecting him to get out.

"I did pizza, it's your turn" he laughed. She looked out the window and sighed before stepping out in the monsoon like weather. She ran to the store, slightly shivering as she entered and was blasted with the cold air from the air conditioner. She grabbed a few bottles and the cashier put them in a box for her. She paid and hurried to the car setting them in the back seat. She opened the driver side door to get in and jumped when she saw Bellamy there.

"C'mon get in" he laughed.

She moved to the passenger side, sitting down, thankful to feel the heat on.

"We are going to make a little detour, you are soaking wet, you should get those clothes off" he looked over at her. She noticed he was now shirtless.

"Are you serious?" she asked

"Yup, wouldn't want you sick" he smiled driving passed the driveway and pulling down what looked like a running trail.

"Plus it's about to get really hot in here" he added putting the car in park.

"What are you talking about?" she asked watching him slide his seat all the way back and lay it down. He slid his shorts down off his legs, leaving him in his boxers.

"Well it's not going to work if your still dressed" he laughed. She slipped her shoes off, and slid her pants off to the floor before pulling her shirt over her head.

"Bellamy, anyone could walk up to the car" she stated nervous.

"Clarke, in this weather?" he asked.

She laughed at his tone,

"You never know Bell"

"Then they are going to get a show because I want you" he stated turning the radio up.

*SMUT BEYOND THIS POINT... If you are not a smut lover I'll see you in the next chapter*

He pulled her to him kissing her neck lightly, as he reached around her releasing her bra with a twist of his fingers. His hands moved to cover the skin he just exposed. Caressing and a rolling her nipples between his fingers, driving her wild. A moan escaped her lips as his mouth found that spot on her neck she loved.

"You need to take these off and come ride me" he stated snapping the band to her underwear.

She laughed sliding them down as his rid himself of his.

"That was very romantic" she joked climbing over to him.

"There isn't anything romantic about this, I want you, and I want you now." he growled as she straddled him. He ran his hands down her sides resting them on her hips. She reached down stroking him lightly causing him to thrust up for more of her touch.

"Clarke, please" he pleaded, She nodded moving above him before sliding down onto him slowly, only taking a little bit at a time. She felt his hands tighten on his hips as he pulled her down on him hard.

"God Bellamy, your cock feels amazing" She locked eyes with him rocking back and forth on him.

He moved underneath her trying to speed her up.

"Clarke, Faster, I want it faster" he stated. She could feel her release building and sped up for him, riding him harder, meeting every thrust he gave. She leaned forward working her hips against him.

"Bellamy I don't know how much longer I can hold out" she dug her nails into his shoulders before calling out his name and he felt her tightening around him. She shook from her orgasm holding onto him to steady herself.

"Fuck, Clarke" he held her still, thrusting up into her until he filled her with his seed.

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