Chapter 24

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As soon as her plate touched the sink he grabbed her hand pulling her towards her room. He opened the door for her, before locking it behind them. Soft music flowed through her wireless speaker, the candles creating shadows that danced along the walls.

********Pure Smut Below, If you are not a fan see you in the next chapter**********

She turned to face him, his eyes followed her every movement. Clarke trailed her fingers lightly up his arm to to his shoulder. She drew light circles on the way to his neck. Her hand moved to the back of his neck pulling his lips down to hers. He kissed her hard at first, pushing her back till her legs hit the bed. His hands moved to her pants as his lips moved to her neck, biting and sucking, eliciting his name from her lips.

"God Bellamy" she moaned, her head falling back and giving him better access.

He bit her shoulder lightly causing her to dig her nails into his back.

"Fuck Clarke" he groaned. She stiffened.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" she asked, eyes full of worry.

"No, but you are making it very hard for me to draw this out." He slid her pants and underwear down her legs, before lifting her shirt over her head.

"You have way more clothes on them me" she whispered.

"That's the point" he kissed her again, un doing her bra with a snap of his fingers. He took a step back taking time to look over every inch of her body.

She shifted slightly, feeling awkward.

"Sorry, I'm about to go three weeks without you and want this burned in my memory" , he pushed her back on the bed, crawling over her. His lips moved lightly along her collarbone before moving down to her breast, he ran his tongue over her nipple watching it harden instantly before moving to the other side and doing the same thing. He moved further south pressing his lips to her stomach. His hand came up and pinched her nipple, causing her to arch up.

"You like that huh?" he asked pinching the other one.

"Bell" escaped her mouth, it was more of a pant then a moan. He loved the effect he had on her. He reached up putting her hand on her breast and then grabbed the other hand moving it in the same direction

"Play baby, let me watch you touch yourself"

She pushed her breasts together, tweaking her nipples as she caressed her self.

"Keep going" he said softly. She barely heard him over her breathing. He pushed her up lightly and she could feel his hot breath on her thigh. He pressed his lips lightly against her before moving to the other thigh. She squirmed slightly underneath him, wanting to feel his mouth on her.

"Patience Beautiful " he whispered.

He kissed her where she wanted to feel his mouth most, then he stopped.

She looked down meeting his eyes.

"You stopped playing, so I'm not playing until you are" he scolded playfully.

"Bellamy I cant even thing straight when you do that, you are asking a lot."

"I'm not asking" he replied nipping at her skin. She moved her hands back to her breasts.

"That's my good girl" he smiled running his tongue up her slit. He smiled at the way her body always played right into his hands. He pushed her legs further apart before settling between her legs. His tongue moved lightly over her clit a few times before he'd stop to suck on it. Each time her breathing changed, his fingers worked their way up her leg slowly, down the back of her thigh and stopped where his mouth continued to bring her to the edge. He lightly trailed his fingers over her opening as his tongue kept moving over her clit. She could feel the tightening in her lower stomach start.

"God Clarke, you are so wet for me" He slowly slid a finger deep inside her before pulling it all the way out and sliding it back it. He could feel her legs starting to twitch. One more slow withdrawal, he added a finger and pushed in deep.

"Fuck Bellamy" she screamed, pulling the sheets to her, her body tightened and convulsed as she came all over his fingers. He moved up next to her bringing his fingers to her mouth.

"Taste yourself for me baby" Clarkes eyes met his as her tongue came out and swirled around his fingertip before drawing his finger into her mouth. She licked and sucked herself off of him, never breaking eye contact. He wasn't sure he could take anymore so her stilled her hand. She licked the length one last time.

"Clarke" he growled.

"Yes?" she smiled wickedly. He stood stripping his clothes off, he went to get back on the bed and she blocked him. She moved off the bed and dropped to her knees before him. His hand instantly in her hair. She licked the tip of his hard cock, looking back up at him.

"Clarke I don't know how much foreplay I can take, doing that for you drives me insane"

"I'm sure you will be fine" she ran her tongue from the base to the tip before taking him in her mouth. She sucked slowly dragging her nails down the back of this thighs lightly.

"Clarke deeper" he ground out. She pulled back running her tongue over the tip.

"Bellamy, make me take you deeper" her voice was husky and just about drove him over the edge, she took the tip in her mouth again feeling his grip tightening on her hair seconds before he forced her mouth to take all of him. His grip loosened, allowing her to pull back slightly before he filled her mouth with his hot load.
Clarke licked his cock clean, before moving back to the bed.

"That was amazing" Bellamy

"I like when you made me choke on it" he groaned next to her placing a hard kiss on her lips.

"For such a beautiful girl you have quite a dirty mouth, I'm not complaining, but damn" She smiled kissing him softly. He pulled her tighter to him deepening the kiss. He moved his hand slowly down her stomach and between her legs, He slipped a finger inside of her.

"Always ready for me" he whispered kissing behind her ear.

"Always wanting you" she replied stealing one last kiss before he moved above her. He spread her legs with his and settled between them, he lifted her leg gently setting her ankle on his shoulder before repeating with the other leg. She bit her lip watching him watch her. He leaned forward slightly, grabbing the headboard for balance right before sliding his hard cock deep inside her. She let out a gasp her head falling back and her eyes closing, as she moved against him.

"Clarke, open your eyes, I want to watch you fall apart" His voice was low, he knew she heard him when her eyes met his. He moved in and out of her, keeping her legs pinned up on his shoulders. Her hands came up to his forearms, she ran her fingers along them matching his rhythm, Once she started to falter he knew she was close. He moved faster, and deeper. her nails bit into his arms as she arched up against him, calling his name. Her release pulling him into his own. He put her legs down on the bed and rolled next to her.

She moved to his side, he pulled her closer as she laid her head on his chest. he kissed the top of her head as he ran his fingers through her hair and she drew lazy circles on his shoulder. Both of them silent, afraid to say something to ruin the moment.

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