Chapter 22

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He tilted her head up to steal a kiss, one kiss turned into two and they were just getting ready to take it up a notch for a second time when a light from the dashboard caught Bellamy's eye. He grabbed the phone turning it over.

It was a text from Wick

Wick:You guys Lost...

He sighed putting the phone down.

"We have to go, they are hungry"

"So am I, but for you" she smiled.

"Clarke, if we don't go now we wont be" he added. She laughed knowing it was true. She climbed over to her seat and got dressed, waiting for him to do the same she turned on the defrost hoping the windows cleared enough to drive. She looked over at him the smile on his face making it impossible for her to hide hers.

"What?" he asked looking at her.

"I'm never going to be able to sit in that seat again without thinking about that"

"That was the point " he laughed pulling up to the house. He grabbed the box of bottles and she grabbed the pizza.

"We were just ready to come looking for you" Octavia stated before they even had time to step through the door way.

"Tree down, had to wait for the fire department to cut it" Bellamy lied sending Clarke a wink. She turned away, getting plates and trying to hide the smile on her face.

"Well at least you were safe" Lincoln stated throwing him a knowing glance.

"I was thinking monopoly" Wick stated walking in the room with the game box in hand.

"That takes forever" Raven sighed.

"Where are we going? It's not like we can do anything in this weather." he stated sliding it on the table.

"I call the thimble" Bellamy stated.

"Dog" Clarke shouted.

"Wheelbarrow" Octavia said scooping it up as Wick emptied the boxes contents on to the table.

"Top hat" Lincoln held out his hand and Wick dropped it into his palm.

"Raven?" Wick called.

"The battleship" she responded.

"I guess I'll take the car" he selected his piece and put the others back in the box.

The guys sat down and the girls made drinks for themselves and the guys before joining them.

Two hours in, Lincoln and Wick were bankrupt and Raven wasn't far from it. Clarke owned all the bigger properties and Bellamy had all the railroads, how Octavia was somehow managing to live off her smaller properties.

Clarke was moving her pawn when she felt Bellamy's hand on her leg. She reached down slipping hers over his and lightly moving her thumb in circles.

He glance over at her, this is what he wants, there is no doubt in his mind, if he could just get her to want the same thing. Six more weekends after this with her and then it will be too late to make this work. He was going to tell her how he feels, tomorrow morning, he wouldn't be there tomorrow night and he didn't want to do it when they were drinking, but it needed to be done because it was driving him crazy.

His mind was full of what if's, 'what if he doesn't tell her and something happens?', 'What if she finds someone else in that 9 months?' , ' What if his friends are right and she is scared?' 'What if this is all she wants it to be?'. He was lost in thought when he felt someone nudge him.

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