Chapter 4

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"He's only here two more days...two more days..."

That's what she kept telling herself after she witnessed him drink her Orange Juice out of the carton.

"Merry Christmas" he smiled.

"Don't do that!"

"Sorry, was that yours?" he asked tossing the now empty carton in the garbage can. She sighed and turned to make coffee.

"Two more days.." she whispered again.

"I'm meeting the guys and going for a run, I'll be back in about an hour"

"Gee, thanks for the warning" she deadpanned.

"Tell O if she asks" he added before slamming the door. Clarke closed her eyes for a second, before opening them, now fully awake.

"Jesus, leave it on the hinges would you" she said out loud, grabbing a cup.

"You tell him" Clarke nearly dropped the glass mug, when she heard Octavia's voice.

"You scared me half to death, make some noise or something would you" she laughed.

"I need coffee, tell me it's done, and Merry Christmas love"

"Almost, Merry Christmas"

"Bellamy went where?"

"If he values his life, to get me Orange Juice." Octavia gave a small snort at that.

"I know, fat chance, he said a run, be back in an hour" She filled both there cups and they made there way to the couch for the news.

Around an hour later he came back through the door with Lincoln and Wick in tow. Clarke sighed. There went her perfect day.

"I figured you would have made breakfast" Bellamy whined.

"Yes because I look like your house wife" Clarke snapped. He couldn't help but smirk at the thought of her being anyone's house wife. She went to turn around when he dropped a carton of Orange Juice in her lap.

"You were saying?"

"Ughhh, I'm not your slave."

"But it's Christmas"

"what do you want?" she huffed.

"Pancakes" he replied.

"Eggs" Wick added.

"Bacon" Lincoln Smiled.

"Nothing like putting your orders in." She shook her head standing, carrying her Orange Juice in one hand and coffee in the other. She made breakfast and just started setting the table as Raven awoke and joined them.

"That smells amazing, do you always cook?, why didnt I know you make breakfast?" Raven questioned filling a glass.

"Because I don't enjoy doing it, I just do it to avoid starvation" Clarke replied sliding the last of it onto a serving plate and setting it in the center of the table.

Raven shot her a look before pulling a chair out. Clarke walked into the living room.

"Breakfast is ready" She stated. The guys flocked the kitchen.

Everyone loaded their plates and ate at the table together, Lincoln and Octavia were deep in conversation over some science miniseries on national geographic.

Clarke really didn't want to be part of that conversation, Bellamy was talking to Raven about his car, Wick throwing in a comment every now and then. Clarke stood taking her plate to the sink just as a knock sounded on the door.

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