Chapter 29

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Clarke couldn't wait to get home, she had the next day off and desperately wanted to shower before the house became full of people.

She beat them by a few minutes, she stepped out of the shower just as she heard the door open. She got dressed and was drying her hair when a soft knock sounded at the door.

"Come in" she called.

The door opened slowly to reveal Bellamy, he had a button down shirt on and looked like he was ready to go out.

"Did I forget a date or something?" she asked looking down at her leggings and baggy sweater.

"Nope" he smiled reaching for her hand. She slipped her hand in his and he led her through the house.

"Wasn't everyone just here?" she asked certain she heard them.

"Yeah, they are around" he shrugged opening the door to the small back patio. He motioned for her to walk out past him but her feet were frozen, she was taken back by what used to be her patio and was now something magical. Fairy lights adorned the potted trees, trees she didn't have a few hours ago. Beautiful glass hurricanes filled with candles lit every inch of the patio. A small table in the center with two chairs and two place settings.

He rested his hand on her back,

"I'd really love for you to walk out the door" he whispered chuckling.

"Bellamy, I don't know what to say" she whispered back.

"You don't have to say anything" he smiled following her out the door.

He pulled her chair out for her so she could sit before taking the seat across from her.

He took wine out of the bucket opening it. Clarke's what if mode kicked in.

"Um, none for me please, I have a lot of meetings tomorrow" she smiled moving her glass to the side.

"Oh, I thought you had off tomorrow, meetings Wednesday" he filled his glass setting the bottle of wine back in the bucket.

"Your right, It's been crazy, I must have skipped a day, still none for me though" she smiled hoping he would drop it.

He nodded just as Octavia stepped through the trees with a small pitcher of water and set it on a small table behind Bellamy. He grabbed it filling her wine glass, just as Raven stepped through sliding plates of salad in front of them before disappearing behind the trees.

"You guys are too much" Clarke smiled.

"I don't think that's possible" Bellamy smiled back.

They ate their salad quietly, somewhere in the background soft music played.

As soon as they were done O appeared clearing the plates as Raven set down their dinner.

"Thank you" Clarke looked to the girls.

"Anything for you guys" Octavia replied as they slipped back off the patio.

"Are they just waiting back there?" Clarke asked.

"No, They have a table with Wick and Lincoln and food too, I wasn't getting off that easy" he laughed. She shook her head laughing.

"Your amazing"

"You are the amazing one, the food is amazing too, Eat" he encouraged. She turned her attention to her plate. She took a bite looking to him.

"This is delicious" she stated before taking another bite.

After dinner Octavia grabbed the plates and Wick set the dessert down before taking a bow and sending a wink Bellamy's way before disappearing.

"We'd be lost without them" Clarke reminded him as he tried to hold back his laughter.

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